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Travel Bug Dog Tag Mom's Teddy

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hermie618 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Saturday, 16 May 2015
Missouri, United States
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Current Goal

Mom’s Teddy’s mission was to win the 2015 St. Louis Area Geocachers Association's (SLAGA) TB Race, which ended in January 2016.  It came in second, so I'd like to thank cacher, scottinmo, for letting it travel with him as he cached in various places in the U. S.  Now, it would like to continue to travel to unique places around the world.  Thanks, in advance, for helping it along its way.



About This Item

Mom's Teddy

Mom’s Teddy is a dog tag with an attached plastic teddy bear with baubles floating  inside.  My parents loved to travel.  My dad has passed, and my mom can no longer travel very far, so I hope she can travel vicariously as we follow Teddy's adventures. Photos are always welcome.smiley

Gallery Images related to Mom's Teddy

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Tracking History (34491.5mi) View Map

Discovered It 02/01/2025 flyjaja discovered it Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France   Visit Log

Découvert dans l'hôtel à TB de ROMAIN ET HUGO
Merci pour le partage

Dropped Off 06/29/2024 JOZEFLC placed it in HOTEL de ROMAIN ET HUGO Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France - 57.81 miles  Visit Log
Visited 06/23/2024 JOZEFLC took it to baladedObelix et falbala 3 Grand-Est, France - 12.04 miles  Visit Log
Visited 06/22/2024 JOZEFLC took it to ASCENSEUR. Grand-Est, France - 96.88 miles  Visit Log
Visited 06/22/2024 JOZEFLC took it to LA MAISON FORESTIERE. Grand-Est, France - 7.23 miles  Visit Log
Visited 06/01/2024 JOZEFLC took it to La tête de Saint-Roch Grand-Est, France - 1.06 miles  Visit Log
Visited 06/01/2024 JOZEFLC took it to #2 Au Purgatoire Grand-Est, France - 90.65 miles  Visit Log
Visited 03/02/2024 JOZEFLC took it to "la bauche" Neuchâtel, Switzerland - .17 miles  Visit Log
Visited 03/02/2024 JOZEFLC took it to départ du parcour orange Neuchâtel, Switzerland - .35 miles  Visit Log
Visited 03/02/2024 JOZEFLC took it to vitrail Neuchâtel, Switzerland - .83 miles  Visit Log
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