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Wooden Nickel Geocoin Monk-E Arms says 73's Geocoin

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Monk-E Arms Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Saturday, 16 May 2015
Illinois, United States
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Current Goal

To win the 2015 Travel Bug race - and along the way, visit or stay in caches with names that involve goodbyes, dad, rootbeer, or the numbers 4 or 73.

About This Item

My dad was a Ham radio operator - WA4ANW (he always told people, "ANW, like the root beer.")  "73s" in Ham lingo means, "Goodbye."  I had to say that to Dad in 2012 and miss him quite a bit.  He was a muggle, but he went with me on some caching adventures.  When I saw this geocoin at the wooden nickel booth at Geowoodstock XIV, I had to have it.  Finally time for me to send it out and say 73 to it.  If you pick it up, please don't wait for the perfect cache to put it in.  If you come to a cache that is large enough, just leave it there. 

Tracking History (1232.6mi) View Map

Discovered It 11/25/2024 LeBoron discovered it   Visit Log

Discovered it. Thank you for sharing.

Discovered It 10/28/2020 Keškobrouci discovered it   Visit Log

Viden v logu...

Discovered It 06/01/2019 Diggin' Up Bones discovered it   Visit Log

Discovered it. Thank you for sharing.

Dropped Off 06/23/2015 ThatGrif placed it in Garden O' The Mist New York - 18.11 miles  Visit Log
Visited 06/23/2015 ThatGrif took it to Ellicott Creek Runaround New York - 122.71 miles  Visit Log
Discovered It 06/23/2015 HairyAreola discovered it   Visit Log

Checking out Niagara falls and found a cache with more than one trackable, thought I'd pass on the experience

Visited 06/22/2015 ThatGrif took it to #5 Keebler Cache Pennsylvania - 460.9 miles  Visit Log
Visited 06/22/2015 ThatGrif took it to One Degree of Separation - bennet - Seed Pod #1 Ohio - 244.68 miles  Visit Log
Visited 06/22/2015 ThatGrif took it to Saulmon's Find Indiana - 45.82 miles  Visit Log
Visited 06/22/2015 ThatGrif took it to I-64 EB Indiana Welcome Center Indiana - 42.96 miles  Visit Log
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