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Trierer Nametag – Weihnachtsedition 2013 Minz TB - Mission Helicopter SHERIFF

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Wednesday, 24 December 2014
Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Recently Spotted:
In Santa Petes 69 steps # Tree Hollow 5

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Please don't use 'took it' for this TB, only drop and retrieve. Thank you.

Bitte benutze nicht die Funktion 'besucht' beim loggen eines Caches für diesen TB. Danke.


About This Item

Matchbox MB 57 Mission Helicopter SHERIFF

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alter Tag - Tupperman Trierer Nametag – Weihnachtsedition 2013 [ ✳️ 02.2015 ~ ✝️Lost 09.2015, Nevada, USA]



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Tracking History (19696.7mi) View Map

Dropped Off 12/04/2024 HRH(U.K.) placed it in Santa Petes 69 steps # Tree Hollow 5 Yorkshire, United Kingdom - 78.54 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 10/28/2024 HRH(U.K.) retrieved it from Axholme Joint Line AJL #2 East Midlands, United Kingdom   Visit Log

Picked up and will drop shortly.

Dropped Off 10/18/2024 supertrampz placed it in Axholme Joint Line AJL #2 East Midlands, United Kingdom - .46 miles  Visit Log

Dropped off to continue the flight to whereever.

Safe travels


Visited 10/15/2024 supertrampz took it to Church Micro 15199 St Nicolas Haxey East Midlands, United Kingdom - .47 miles  Visit Log

Dipped in for mileage before being fropped off.

Visited 10/15/2024 supertrampz took it to Church Micro 15195.Haxey Primitive Methodist Chape East Midlands, United Kingdom - 1.34 miles  Visit Log

Dipped in for mileage before being fropped off.

Visited 10/15/2024 supertrampz took it to War Memorial # 2166 Haxey East Midlands, United Kingdom - 2.16 miles  Visit Log

Dipped in for mileage before being fropped off.

Visited 10/15/2024 supertrampz took it to Side by Side - Clip that East Midlands, United Kingdom - .26 miles  Visit Log

Dipped in for mileage before being fropped off.

Visited 10/15/2024 supertrampz took it to Side by Side - A (W)hole base East Midlands, United Kingdom - .39 miles  Visit Log

Dipped in for mileage before being fropped off.

Visited 10/15/2024 supertrampz took it to Side by Side - East Beginnings East Midlands, United Kingdom - .96 miles  Visit Log

Dipped in for mileage before being fropped off.

Visited 10/15/2024 supertrampz took it to Remembering PB565 East Midlands, United Kingdom - 1.98 miles  Visit Log

Dipped in for mileage before being fropped off.

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