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DutchTagz Friendly Floate #14

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Saturday, 06 June 2020
Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
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In the hands of GitteT.

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Current Goal

Deze eend wil graag over de wereld zwemmen en vele caches bezoeken. Foto's zeer welkom!

This duck will swim around the world and visit many geocaches. Photo's welcome!

Diese Ente möchte auf der ganzen Welt schwimmen und viele Caches besuchen. Fotos sind sehr erwünscht!


About This Item

Friendly Floatee

In 1992 sloeg een container met 28.000 plastic badeendjes overboord van een containerschip dat onderweg was van Hong Kong naar de Verenigde Staten. Sinds die legendarische dag, dobbert de kolonie gele eenden de halve wereld rond. Sommigen zijn aangespoeld op de kust van Hawaï, Alaska, Zuid-Amerika, Australië en de Pacific Northwest, anderen zijn gevonden bevroren in Arctische ijs. Weer anderen hebben een of andere manier hun weg weten te vinden tot in Schotland en Newfoundland, in de Atlantische Oceaan. De eendjes hebben bijgedragen aan ons begrip van oceaanstromingen, alsmede onze kennis over plastic vervuiling in oceanen.

Op kleine schaal wordt dit nagedaan en op 6 juni 2020 vertrekken er veel eendjes van het badeendjes Community Celebration Event in Delft. De eendjes zijn te volgen op: 

Zelf ben ik in Delft geboren en een deel van mijn voorouders komt al eeuwen uit Delft. Heel erg leuk om hier vandaag een TB los te laten!!

In 1992, a container with 28.000 plastic rubber ducks fell overboard from a container ship en route from Hong Kong to the United States. Since that legendary day, the colony of yellow ducks have been floating around half the world. Some are washed ashore on the coast of Hawaii, Alaska, South America, Australia and the Pacific Northwest, others are found frozen in Arctic ice. Still others have somehow managed to find their way to Scotland and Newfoundland, in the Atlantic Ocean.The ducks have contributed to our understanding of ocean currents, as well as our knowledge about plastic pollution in oceans.
This is done on a small scale and on June 6, 2020 many ducks leave from the rubber duck Community Celebration Event in Delft. The ducklings can be followed on:

I was born in Delft and my ancestors were here for ages. To me it is very special to be in Delft again today and start the travel of this TB here!

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Tracking History (9925.6mi) View Map

Discovered It 04/04/2024 kreamormor discovered it   Visit Log

Set hos bedste veninden

Visited 02/29/2024 GitteT took it to Koordinat i Billedet Region Syddanmark, Denmark - 1.86 miles  Visit Log

29-02-2024 23:33:37 Med GitteT på tur til GC5E90F

Visited 02/29/2024 GitteT took it to Caching den 29. februar 2024 📆 Region Syddanmark, Denmark - 11.87 miles  Visit Log

29-02-2024 19:04:00 Med GitteT på tur til GCAHHP8

Visited 02/29/2024 GitteT took it to Bilkabuler Region Syddanmark, Denmark - .7 miles  Visit Log

29-02-2024 18:48:00 Med GitteT på tur til GC8Y077

Visited 02/29/2024 GitteT took it to Anti Mysteri Region Syddanmark, Denmark - 9.2 miles  Visit Log

29-02-2024 18:33:00 Med GitteT på tur til GCAFPQ9

Visited 02/29/2024 GitteT took it to Tre x Three Challenge Region Syddanmark, Denmark - 8.66 miles  Visit Log

29-02-2024 15:44:00 Med GitteT på tur til GCA37X0

Visited 02/29/2024 GitteT took it to 2 MIIL fra Odense (Rolfsted) Region Syddanmark, Denmark - 1.8 miles  Visit Log

29-02-2024 13:41:41 Med GitteT på tur til GC3Z52J

Visited 02/29/2024 GitteT took it to 29. Februar Region Syddanmark, Denmark - 31.66 miles  Visit Log

29-02-2024 13:29:16 Med GitteT på tur til GCAM3JV

Visited 01/23/2024 GitteT took it to Midtfyns Jernstøberi V2 Region Syddanmark, Denmark - 28.39 miles  Visit Log

23-01-2024 16:10:23 Med GitteT på tur til GC9RHHF

Grab It (Not from a Cache) 10/13/2023 GitteT grabbed it   Visit Log

I really do apologize the late grabbing of this TB. Had in my hands for a couple of months but never got round to also post the log online.

As I have a thing with Ducks, this kind of TB has a habit of travelling with me for a while before moving on. And they will be travelling in very good Company.

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