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Travel Bug Dog Tag Haunted Mysteries Racer

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GoldBugGirl Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Wednesday, 11 December 2019
Mississippi, United States
Recently Spotted:
In Karavaanari on kaikkien kaveri

This is not collectible.

Use TB7YGZQ to reference this item.

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Current Goal

This travel bug is competing in The Great Travel Bug Race of 2020, from Jan. 11 to Dec. 31, 2020.

At the end of this yearlong race, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishers will receive awards in each of the following categories:

1. Greatest Distance Traveled
2. Most USA States Visited
3. Most Countries Visited

Please help my Haunted Mysteries Racer move from cache to cache.  This TB can also "visit" caches you find regardless of size--this helps it gain mileage.

About This Item

Haunted Mysteries Racer (Front)

This trackable commemorates GC7EXV6, the mega event Going Caching 2018: Haunted Mysteries. Attendees traveled back to the 1890's, wearing our best steampunk ghost-hunting attire as we crossed paths with restless Victorian spirits and tackled their unsolved cases.  During 7 events spanning 5 days, we explored local sites connected to legendary tales of the paranormal, escaped from a haunted Victorian parlor, and uncovered secrets that gave us goosebumps as we geocached our way around  Rome, Georgia.  Our sleuthing skills eventually set the record straight, bringing peace to the weary, troubled souls, who joined us in a farewell Victorian gala.  Sad to report that Going Caching 2020 has been cancelled due to covid concerns...stay tuned for plans for 2021.

Gallery Images related to Haunted Mysteries Racer

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Tracking History (37678.6mi) View Map

Discovered It 01/05/2025 Katti06 discovered it Pohjanmaa, Finland   Visit Log

Vaasassa käynnin ohessa :)

Discovered It 12/13/2024 stefan2007 discovered it Pohjanmaa, Finland   Visit Log

TFTC i cachen

Dropped Off 10/16/2024 Pippi73 placed it in Karavaanari on kaikkien kaveri Pohjanmaa, Finland - 160.28 miles  Visit Log

Jätetty kätköön

Discovered It 10/14/2024 tandela1 discovered it Pohjanmaa, Finland   Visit Log

Nähty miitissä

Retrieve It from a Cache 10/14/2024 Pippi73 retrieved it from Syksyiset sunnuntaikaffit Pohjanmaa, Finland   Visit Log

Moving on

Dropped Off 10/12/2024 joni&riina placed it in Syksyiset sunnuntaikaffit Pohjanmaa, Finland - 254.41 miles  Visit Log
Discovered It 10/12/2024 SJM20 discovered it   Visit Log


Retrieve It from a Cache 09/20/2024 joni&riina retrieved it from Lehmä Kymenlaakso, Finland   Visit Log

Moving on...

  • Lehmä is cow, islands name.
Dropped Off 08/18/2024 gaselli placed it in Lehmä Kymenlaakso, Finland - 3.32 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 08/17/2024 gaselli retrieved it from Mansikkamehua ja pipareita! Kymenlaakso, Finland   Visit Log

Kauniin Travel Bugin matka maailman ympäri jatkuu...

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