TB96VX7 [Coordinate Address Link] ▼
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Use TB96VX7 to reference this item.
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To travel as far away from Devon, England as possible, clocking up the miles.
I am a Dartmoor Geocoin TB, and I am in a race with lots of other TB's looking just like me. My mission is to clock up the miles by travelling as far as possible.
Please help me to do so and I will be forever virtually thankfull.
Good luck to all the other competitors (what a good sport I am!! )
The owner has set this Trackable as missing.
Collected the now archived cache and sad to say that the geocoin was not in there.
Thanks to the two previous people. If anyone could message me Jaynie15 with the TB code that is on it, il try to sort it out. Many thanks
Discovered but couldn’t log for some reason
Seen in the cache but not taken. Couldn’t log under the code in the keyring
Out for our first series of Wherigo caches today. We must have been following Parallel Sticks who dropped this coin into a cache in Sulham Woods, Tilehurst Reading.. We have retrieved it and will drop it into another cache when we are next out.
A smart geocoin. Will move along at the weekend.
Picked up today will move on soon
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