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Community Volunteer Tag The fastest friend

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Ostrorogi4 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Friday, 01 December 2023
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As this racing friend Signal claims, one of the most pleasant things in geocaching (besides finding a cache, of course) is meeting another geocacher, exchanging experiences with him, asking him about the solution to a question mark (especially this ;) ) - in short, priceless.
So let the fastest Signal race from cache to cache and spread collegiality, camaraderie and yes, friendship.
Go, go, go, my little fast friend!


Kakor trdi tale dirkajoči prijateljček Signal, je v geolovu ena od najprijetnejših stvari (poleg najdbe zakladka, seveda) srečati še kakšnega geolovca, z njim izmenjati izkušnje, ga povprašati o rešitvi kakega vprašajčka (predvsem to ;) ) - skratka, neprecenljivo.

Torej, naj najhitrejši Signal dirka od zakladka do zakladka in širi kolegialnost, tovarištvo in ja, prijateljstvo.

Zdaj pa urno pot pod noge (ups, pod krake)!

About This Item

The fastest friend Signal

He should jump as fast as possible with his long arms from cache to cache, because he is one of the participants of the Slovenian Tracker Race 2024.


Kar najhitreje naj skače s svojimi dolgimi kraki od zakladka do zakladka, saj je eden izmed udeležencev slovenske Dirke sledljivčkov 2024.

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Tracking History (602.2mi) View Map

Mark Missing 01/07/2024 Arnokovic marked it as missing   Visit Log

This is an automated message. This Trackable has been marked 'missing' by a cache owner or site administrator. Trackables are marked missing when it is determined that they are no longer located in the cache they are listed in or in the hands of the current holder. Review the most recent logs on this Trackable to learn more information about its current state.

Write note 12/28/2023 CharlotteAndJordy posted a note for it   Visit Log

Not in cache 🇳🇿

Dropped Off 12/16/2023 icabrian placed it in La boite au livre - Manège 1913 Île-de-France, France - .56 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 12/16/2023 icabrian retrieved it from Eiffel TB Palace Île-de-France, France   Visit Log


Dropped Off 12/16/2023 SLO Geocaching Klub placed it in Eiffel TB Palace Île-de-France, France - 601.64 miles  Visit Log

This trackable is participating in Slovenian trackable race 2024. The race started on December 9, 2023, in front of the Town hall in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The racers were released into the wild in Paris on December 16, 2023. Some photos of the release are in the original Found log of Eiffel TB Palace. Please help this racer on its way. You have no obligation to take it very far (but it's welcome and appreciated if you can). Don't keep it for too long and drop it in a frequently visited cache or at an event.

Discovered It 12/11/2023 zakri discovered it Île-de-France, France   Visit Log

Srečno pot in uspešno dirko.

Discovered It 12/11/2023 mirobori discovered it   Visit Log

Na izmenjavi v praznično okrašeni Ljubljani sem videl en velik kup sledljivčkov, ki so tukaj začeli svojo dirko.

Srečno pot vsem, še posebej mojemu😇

Discovered It 12/11/2023 Rogercns discovered it   Visit Log

Discovered at the racing starting line...

Discovered It 12/11/2023 TrickSLO discovered it   Visit Log

Dragi kolega sledljivcek, pripravi se! Kmalu bos dobil lekcijo o hitrosti. Moji sledljivcek se premika tako hitro, da se GPS satelitom zvrti. Pripravi se, da kasljas moj prah ali bolje receno moj geoprah! Srecno dirkanje!

Dear fellow trackable, brace yourselves! You're about to get schooled by the speedster of geocaching. My trackable moves so fast, it makes GPS satellites dizzy. Get ready to eat my dust, or rather, my geodust! Happy racing!

Discovered It 12/10/2023 icabrian discovered it   Visit Log

Nekatere od teh sledljivčkov gledam že skoraj tri tedne. Skrajni čas, da gredo na pot! Naj vse dirkače spremlja dobra geolovska karma, naj si naberejo veliko kilometrov in komaj verjetnih zgodb, pa naj se uspešno izogibajo dolgoprstim bunkljem! Njihovim lastnikom pa želim vesele praznike in srečno TB-dirkaško novo leto 2024!

I have been meeting some of these trackables daily for almost three weeks. It's about time they hit the road. May they have good geocaching karma every step of the way, gather many kilometres, and many hard-to-believe travel stories. And may they stay well away from muggles with sticky fingers. To their owners, I wish you happy holidays and all the best in the new TB-racing year 2024!

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