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Travel Bug Dog Tag nyisutter's jackalope

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nyisutter Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Saturday, 16 May 2015
Missouri, United States
Recently Spotted:
In 7.5 hours a day, 5 days a week

This is not collectible.

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Current Goal

This jackalope is entered in the SLAGA (St. Louis Area Geocacher's Assn.) 2015 TB Race. This TB is racing against several other trackables to see who can rack up the most miles by the end of January 2016. It's great if you can help this TB along on it's mission to move as far and as fast as possible! Please don't keep it for too long and try to drop it into active caches where it won't sit idle for too long! Feel free to take pictures of the journey! Would love to see the world!

About This Item

No additional details available.

Tracking History (1805.2mi) View Map

Dropped Off 12/01/2022 sbliton placed it in 7.5 hours a day, 5 days a week Indiana - 598.37 miles  Visit Log


Discovered It 08/31/2018 Cizeczech discovered it   Visit Log

thanks for showing

Retrieve It from a Cache 03/19/2016 sbliton retrieved it from The Dulcimer Guy Hammers Out 1000 Caches! Indiana   Visit Log

found with the love of my life and moving on to missouri. kcco

Dropped Off 12/29/2015 drrelli placed it in The Dulcimer Guy Hammers Out 1000 Caches! Indiana - 162.87 miles  Visit Log

Dropped in The Dulcimer Guy Hammers Out 1000 Caches! (GC1WE0T)

Retrieve It from a Cache 12/24/2015 drrelli retrieved it from Don't Take It For Granite Indiana   Visit Log

Found this in Valpo while here for Christmas, will take to Southern Indiana.

Dropped Off 12/24/2015 djpd1023 placed it in Don't Take It For Granite Indiana - 144.23 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 12/17/2015 djpd1023 retrieved it from PANDABABY427 1000 FINDS AND COUNTING!! Illinois   Visit Log

This jackalope hopped into my pocket at my last cache and needs to move somewhere else. I'll be happy to oblige.

Dropped Off 10/25/2015 Caraline7 placed it in PANDABABY427 1000 FINDS AND COUNTING!! Illinois - 122.15 miles  Visit Log
Grab It (Not from a Cache) 10/18/2015 Caraline7 grabbed it   Visit Log

Found it in O'hare TB hotel and spa

Retrieve It from a Cache 10/15/2015 Ecorangers retrieved it from Hey, Did that Just Happen? Wisconsin   Visit Log

πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘
Thanks from the Ecorangers, Platinum EarthCache Master, 1600+ hides, and the Hosts of 40+ Geocaching Events, logged 19,300+ trackables. Happy travels!
And We Geocached/Smiled/Lived/Loved/Logged/and Laughter Happily Ever~after πŸ‘πŸ‘ 43,000+Finds

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