X FonsB's GeoFaex Coin
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Tuesday, 06 June 2006
Bremen, Germany
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This is the personal coin of GeoFaex a German cacher from Baden-Wuerttemberg. His homearea is the district of Hohenlohe, named after the family of Hohenlohe, who once had ruled most of the area, until 1806 when they lost their independence as this area became part of the kingdom of Wuerttemberg. Today Künzelsau is the administration centre of the district. The highest elevation of this district is the „Mühlberg“ near Waldenburg (523 m). The area is situated in the northeast of Baden Buerttemberg.
The Hohenloher Ebene, a more or less flat region in the northeast of Baden Wuerttemberg, is something out of a fairy tale. The baroque style castles have been beautifully maintained and the history of the area is both fascinating and detailed.
There are more than a hundred castles in the area and as with most dynasties there were power struggles, conquests and victories. Anyone who has an interest in European history will find the area immensely interesting. Because the history is complex you’d do well to have a guide book handy to reference the details when exploring the different sights.
Neuenstein Castle is the jewel of the Hohenloher Ebene. Once a moated castle it is one of the best examples of Renaissance architecture. It is also the residence of the Hohenlohe-Oehringen family but as a museum it is open to the public. If you are a history enthusiast you may enjoy visiting the Hohenlohe family archives which are stored at Neuenstein.
Aside from the beautifully terraced gardens a special feature of Neuenstein Castle is that it has a large, authentic and well preserved middle age kitchen. It is rare to be able to see an example of this and is definitely well worth visiting.
The front side of the coin shows the personal logo of GeoFaex – a fox looking around the globe and the rim tells us that GeoFaex started caching in December 2004. The artwork of the backside is in 3D and you can see the southwesterly view of the Neuenstein Castle. The rim tells us exactly where the catle is situated: N 49° 12.255 E 009° 34.762 and you can also find a GC-code GCPW3Z is a cache from GeoFaex hidden in the castle area in 2005.
500 coins where made:
350 antique brass
100 antique silver
10 shiny gold
10 copper
10 antique copper
10 black nickel
10 dyed black
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Hallo Ihr 2. Wir haben uns letztes Jahr bei Eurem Event am MC Donalds getroffen. Ihr habt mir diesen schönen TB in Form des Bremer Schlüssels geschenkt. Nun ist es soweit. Ich werde ihn auf die Reise schicken und bin gespannt ob er seine Mission ereicht. Vielen Dank fürs Zeigen Eurer umfangreichen und sehr beeindruckenden Sammlung
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Heute nutze ich dann mal meine Erinnerung und bedanke mich für die Möglichkeit die Sammlung zu discovern.
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