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Google This! Mystery Cache

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Lostboy1966: Picked up the ammo can. Thanks to all who took the time to plod through the puzzle!

Hidden : 4/3/2007
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Geocache Description:

Header coordinates are for parking only (Wells Hill Rd. in Weston). To locate the ammo can, solve the puzzle that begins below:

After getting a wicked headache trying to solve evil Puzzle Caches, I decided to give up and make one of my own instead! Google will probably come in handy to figure parts of this riddle out. Of course, I might toss in a Red Herring or two, just to keep it interesting!

On we go to some questions!

During recent years, what has gone from being a phone number to a slang term for ‘having the latest news’?

The subject of Workforce Investment Systems is addressed under Chapter 30 of what US Code Title?

If you have a complete reversal of opinion on a subject, it can be referred to as doing a what?

Primarily viewed as a metaphor for his advancing age, ‘Yellow Leaves’ were referenced in what Shakespearian sonnet?

In July 1967, the cover of what magazine featured British supermodel Twiggy in a red jacket and black beret?

Some refer to what popular game as ‘Pontoon’?

Tolkien’s ‘The Lord of the Rings’ states that the Elves were given how many rings of power?

On what Eagles ballad can you find the lyrics ‘So you can get on with your search, baby, and I can get on with mine’?

Having solved the above questions, you will uncover some important information relating to the actual cache location. It should only take a few minutes to combine all of your answers and reveal their secret. Google sure is handy, isn’t it? Hopefully this puzzle won’t be quite as frustrating as some of the other ones out there that I still cannot solve!

Looking up your coordinate guess in Google Earth (another handy tool) is highly recommended before dashing outdoors. If you require an additional tip for coordinates, see the 'Hints’ section, below. Good luck with the puzzle, in any event! Questions within questions. Seek the source and the initial exclamations.

Hey! That headache I had before is gone now - hope it wasn't contagious!

Anyway, enjoy the hunt. Laying in the ammo box for FTF is a boxed brass compass. Look carefully, as it may have gotten burried under the other trinkets!

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

[Puzzle Hint 1:]V pna'g fjvz, naq V qba'g bja n obng. Abg n jngre pnpur - sbe Ynaqyhooref bayl! [Puzzle Hint 2:] Rirel fragrapr unf gb fgneg fbzrjurer... [IF YOU THINK YOU HAVE THE SOLUTION, CHECK HERE: (visit link) ] [Hide Hint:] Va gur Tnc

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)