Ciernohuzec Traditional Cache
Size:  (regular)
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Dalsia keska v byvalom Vojenskom vycvikovom priestore Javorina ta privedie tesne pod vrchol malo znameho, no nadherneho kopca so zvlastnym menom Ciernohuzec. Za dobreho pocasia su z neho siroke vyhlady, od Strazi, znamych kopcov nad Presovom, cez Kojsovsku holu s budovou radiolokacnej meteorologie az po kompletnu plejadu vysokotatranskych stitov. Vrchol Ciernohuzec lezi na linii hlavneho europskeho rozvodia – jeho juzne svahy su odvodnovane potokom Skapova a nasledne Torysou do Cierneho mora, kym voda z jeho severnych svahov odteka do potoka Jakubianka, ktora sa dalej vlieva do rieky Poprad, ta do Dunajca a tak dalej az do Baltickeho mora. Vsetkym hladacom prajem dobre pocasie, aby si mohli uzit tento pekny kusok prirody a pokochali sa nadhernym vyhladom.
Je viacero moznosti, ako sa ku keske dostat. Bolo by dobre ist s mapou. Bud VKU mapa c.114 (Levocske vrchy) alebo turisticky atlas. Jednoduchy je pristup z cesty medzi N.Repasami a Olsavicou, z ktorej je treba odbocit smerom na obec Tichy Potok, a potom dolava na cestu cez Blazovsku dolinu. Tentokrat vas nebudu obmedzovat ziadne rampy. Najkratsia cesta vedie z parkingu pri potoku Skapova na spominanej ceste cez Blazovsku dolinu. Suradnice parkingu su v Additional waypoints. Lesna cesta sa zacina este pred mostom, po lavej strane potoka (podla smeru toku), najprv popri nom, potom sa toci doprava (hore nad stromami je vidiet vrchol Ciernohuzca) a smeruje rovno hore. Asi 300m vzdusnou ciarou sa cesta staca do lava. Je na tebe, ci sa poberies kolmo hore (zaberak riadny), alebo to skusis nejak postupne poobchadzat a pomaly naberat vysku. Samotna keska je v nadmorskej vyske 1176m, to len aby si mal predstavu o prevyseni.
Druha moznost je zaparkovat na Vaclavaku (zase pozri AW), pokracovat cez Jankovec (na jeho vrchole je GC Jankovec – GC1098W) a potom oblukom, prakticky po vrstevnici az pod vrchol Ciernohuzca. To je nejakych 7-8km pohodovej prechadzky peknou prirodou.
Another cache in former Military training area Javorina will bring you to the unknown, but nice hill with mysterious name Ciernohuzec. In good weather there are awsome wide views. Top of this hill is lying on european continental divide. Southern slopes of Ciernohuzec belongs to the area of Black Sea waters, northern slopes to the area of Baltic Sea. I wish you nice and sunny weather to enjoy the beauty of this piece of nature and wide views.
There is couple of ways how to get to the cache. It’s good idea to have a map with yourself (for example VKU map #114). Easy access is from the road between N.Repase and Olsavica. Just turn to the Tichy Potok village and then to the left to the road trough Blazovska dolina (Blazovska valley). There are no ramps or other access barriers. The shortest way starts at Parking area near Skapova creek on this road. See Additional waypoints for coordinates. Forest path starts nearby small brigde over creek, continues along this creek, then turns to the right (view to the top of Ciernohuzec) and then is heading directly straight up. In the distance approx. 300m from the cache the way turns to the left. You can continue straight up (very steep slope) or you can make it little easier by slow ascending somewhere around. It just up to you. Altitude of cache is 1176m, it maybe helps you in your decision.
Another way is to park at waypoint Vaclavak (see AW again), to continue through Jankovec hill (there’s GC Jankovec – GC1098W on the top) and then about to follow contour line under Ciernohuzec. It’s approx. 8km easy walk across nice nature.
Additional Hints
Ib iahgev, cbq ynilz / Vafvqr, haqre gur yrsg bar