Funchal Walkabout Multi-Cache
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This is a 9 stage multi-cache which will take you on a walk round Funchal. The above co-ordinates take you to the starting place.Bring a pencil and paper because at each stage you will need to record a number to replace the letters A to H in the final location.
Stage 1. N32º 38.814 W16º 54.450
A = the number of letters in Soubiran’s first name.
Stage 2. N32º 38.814 W 16º 54.352
B = the number of faces you can see.
Stage 3. N32º 38.876 W16º 54.263
C = the number of taps including the missing one.
Stage 4. N32º 38.851 W16º 54.402
The date of the original construction is 16?9. D = ?
Stage 5. N32º 38.851 W16º 54.472
E = the number of times the letter R appears in the inscription carved around the statue under the arms.
Stage 6. N32º 38.873 W16º 54.584
F = the number of castles surrounding the shield.
Stage 7. N32º 38.845 W16º 54.652
G = the number of men in the nearest boat.
Stage 8. N32º 38.805 W16º 54.540
H = the number of letters in the first two words of the inscription.
Final Location.
This can only be accessed before sunset.
You are looking for a 35mm film canister containing a log sheet only.
This can be found at :
N32º 38.G(B-E)C W16º 54.D(A-B)(F-H+E)
Small note on cache maintenance: A relative living nearby will assist. Contact info on file with
Additional Hints
Ng TM gurer vf n fznyy terl zrgny qbbe va gur jnyy. Pnpur vf uvqqra ng gur yrsg fvqr bs gur ybat fgbar orybj gur qbbe.