Swedish Mallorca Cache Traditional Cache
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The Swedish Mallorca Cache
or the Charter Cache in Cala Bona
Lådan är gömd i ett buskage mellan hotellkomplex, med många
charterturistande nordbor, och Medelhavet. Ett stenkast från gömman
börjar ett myller av restauranger, turistiga butiker etc. Det
passerar förbi Cala Bonas charmiga hamnområde.
Cachen placerades ut på Sveriges Nationaldag, 6 juni 2007,
under en charterresa till Cala Bona på Mallorca.
The box is hidden amongst the bushes in an area where there are a
number of large hotels. There are many Nordic and Mediterranean
charter tourists here. Restaurants, boutiques, and tourist shops
are just a stone's throw from the cache, and the street passes by
Cala Bona's charming harbour.
The cache was placed on Sweden's National Day, June 6th, 2007,
during a charter tour to Cala Bona, Mallorca.
2008 March 31: New box (thanx Team Tatonka), updated
2009 April 19: New box (thanx KingfisherTeam)
2010 April 16: New box (thanx Mieze6 and remstaler), updated
cache size
Maintenance Thank you geocacher Mangallorca
for helping me look after this cache - since I live in
Additional Hints
haqre n Fgbar va gur oebxra Jnyy / haqre ra fgra v qra genfvtn zhera