The Winchester Geese Traditional Cache
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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EVERY ONE VOTING THIS A FAVOURITE ! BY DOING SO YOU ARE HELPING TO PRESERVE THIS SITE FOR THE FUTURE. A quick dash and cache, wheel chair accessible. One of the most popular trad cache in London capable of holding your T.B's. Suitable for small TB's only, a black plastic drum container covered in a green camo cloth. NOTE camo is just a cloth not a bag! Please remember to pull Camo back down after and replace the lid! Please only leave TB's
WINCHESTER GEESE. The Cross bones graveyard in Red Cross Way, close to Borough Tube Station. You will see a gate of rusty iron bars adorned with glittering ribbons, flowers, feathers and other curious items. There is also a large skull and crossbones in place. This is a unconsecrated grave yard where the prostitutes and paupers of the Borough were buried from medieval times until the 1850's. It is believed that 15,000 are buried here. In medieval times the prostitutes of the area [known as the Winchester Geese]were licensed by the Bishop of Winchester but were denied burial in consecrated ground. The graveyard was later used as a paupers burial ground. The grave yard was rediscovered when bodies were found during the building of the Jubillee line and since that time people have been campaigning for a small memorial garden to the forgotten dead to be allowed on the site which is currently concreted over. Ritual and drama events are carried out on the site frequently. The rituals are simple,inclusive and non dogmatic, emphasing respect for the 'ancestors' and honouring the spirit of the place. The Halloween of cross bones has been observed every halloween night since 1998 with hundreds making a candlelit procession to the site. Some meet monthly at 7.00pm on the 23rd of the month to maintain the gate area. Across the road is 'The Boot and Flogger' wine bar which occupies an anonymous grey building opposite, looking very much like Dickens description of Dombey's counting house rather than a place of intoxication and frivolity! This is a very high calibre wine bar. On entering you find a long, generous sized room with lots of romantic cubby holes for those requiring solitude. The furnishings are very comfortable and the atmosphere extremely convivial. Excellent, well priced wines and food and the toilets are well worth a visit in themselves. Closes at 8.00 pm however. Great web site with support information on the site is here : Please give them your support [petition] BBC audio site here
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