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A Walk in the Woods Multi-Cache

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2Wheel'in: "A Walk in the Woods" was a special cache...both for me, and for the 57 cachers who found it -- for the 15 DNF'ers...maybe not so much[;)], but I bet they still enjoyed the "walk". It was in place continuously for 2 and a half years - it was voted as the Outstanding Multi-Cache for 2007 by my NoVAGO peers, and truth be told, was my favorite cache as an owner. There were 8 fantastic cachers who chose "A Walk in the Woods" to mark their Milestones...including the FTF'er...I really, REALLY enjoyed that[^]. For the 12 folks watching...I'm sorry you won't get to hunt it - what you missed were: 6 total stages - all were in plain view - Stage 1 was a green camo'd pill safe suspended in a tree; Stage 2 was a brown painted PICO magnetic container affixed to a brown steel fencepost; Stage 3 was a green (or red depending on the season[;)]) apple suspended in a tree; Stage 4 was a camo'd cylinder on the ground next to a fallen tree (it contained printed instruction for how to find stage 5); Stage 5 was a "Reference Point" (a 3 inch diameter vine that had twisted itself into a 3 foot diameter ball...about 3 feet off the ground). From that reference point the coordinates were projected by distance and bearing to the final); the Final was a camo'd ammo can hidden on the ground next to a fallen tree. To say I enjoyed the logs would be a gross understatement, and I'm sure I'll go back to read them over and over again. Thank you for hunting it...and I'll see if I can't find a suitable location for "Another Walk in the Woods" one day. All containers were removed, and the trade items will be "recycled".

Hidden : 6/28/2007
4 out of 5
3 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:


A beautiful 3.5 mile, mostly level, on trail circuit hike in Algonkian Regional Park.

***Please READ the cache page***

Here's your chance to enjoy a beautiful and little known/used section of Algonkian Regional Park, the hike is 3.5 miles in length - the good news is, it’s a loop and you’ll come right back to where you started. How many stages? You’ll just have to find out - I will tell you this, it’s more than 3 and less than 7. There’s more good news - you’ll be following the White Trail (NOTE: The NVRPA has changed the "color" for the final section of the White Trail that leads to the Final and P2 Parking Lot - that section of White Trail now "magically" becomes the Green Trail you will discover that change when returning to the Trail Intersection Waypoint - bear left and follow the Green Trail to the Final and to the Parking Lot). With the exception of just a couple of short forays off the trail (90 feet for Stage 2, and about 300 feet for Stage 3), there’s no bushwhacking. Want more good news - there are 15 other geocaches in this park, and 11 of them are in close proximity to the circuit hike you’ll be taking. There is also a Letterbox approximately 15 feet from Stage 1...see if you can find that too. (That Letterbox is the 3rd Stage of a 3 Stage Letterbox known as Surburban Saturday). I spotted Turkey, Whitetail Deer, Red Fox, Squirrels, Box Turtles, a Pileated Woodpecker, quite a few Black Snakes, and countless species of other birds when I placed the containers. Stick to the White Trail as much as possible, except for those short, open woods bushwhacks - then return to the White Trail. The trail is not well marked on the west side of the park; however, it is the primary trail, and shouldn't be too hard to follow - there is one confusing trail intersection and I have listed it as an “Additional Waypoint”. It will be extremely difficult to complete this cache if you don’t stay on the White Trail - why? You’ll find out somewhere along the trail, and that somewhere also has a little twist to it. If you would like a .gpx file of the White Trail, please e-mail me before you hunt and I will be happy to send the file to you, and you can load it on your GPS receiver. Your compass arrow may try to fool you, but 2Wheel'in won't...if you stay on the White Trail you'll approach the off trail containers from the shortest distance.

Bring a pen/pencil and some paper with you - you WILL need it. Before you depart it may also be wise to learn some of the seldom used features on your GPS receiver: how to change distance units; how to project a waypoint, and I repeat - have a pen/pencil with you. You might also find that a regular “old school” compass and map may come in handy.

A couple parting comments: the terrain rating will go up a full star if there has been recent heavy rain; the container size selected refers to the final container - the intermediate stage containers can be anything, expect the worst and hope for the best. Some of the cache attributes pertain to the parking area only. In order to limit environmental impact some of the stages are placed very close to the White Trail - please watch for muggles in those areas, especially on weekends.

Waypoint T1 (TRAIL) is provided because of a confusing intersection - take the left fork to rejoin the main White Trail and proceed left.

I advise you to leave any preconceived notions at home, you‘ll find these hides and containers just a wee bit different. NOTICE: All containers are in plain view, you do not need to move anything, destroy rotting logs, clear vegetation, or tear up the area to see them. Please be careful with the containers and replace them exactly as found.

***Did you really READ the cache page?***

Seasoned cachers may think the Difficulty and Terrain ratings are a bit high - on the other hand, new cachers may think them too low...comments on the ratings are welcome.

NOTICE: Please be respectful of the posted park hours. If you enter the park after hours you are trespassing. If you are stopped you can be ticketed or arrested and will put the future of geocaching in the parks in jeopardy

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

[Stage 1 None Needed] [Stage 2] Sr Crn rlr frn bu [Stage 3] Vg'f "evcr" [Remaining Stages None Needed]

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)