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Herolds Varehus - Old time report Mystery Cache

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Hidden : 08/08/2008
1.5 out of 5
1 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

Herolds Varehus / Old Store

Herolds Varehus er helt enestående i sin art.

Hus, interieur og varer kan opleves som et utraditionelt levende museum, eller måske snarere som en boble af gammel tid.

Stifternes efterkommere fortæller detaljeret om husets historie på hjemmesiden (visit link)

Som geocacher er det fristende at anskue hele varehuset som én stor geocache, men varehuset drives som almindelig butik.

Cachen - en ret stor blank blikæske - kan kun logges i almindelig åbningstid (visit link)

Ud over at finde og logge dit fund i den fysiske cache på stedet, opfordres du til at fortælle om én af de ting, som kan ses i Herold´s.

Prøv at knytte an til din egen erindring om 'Gamle Dage'.

Fotos er meget velkomne.

Venlig hilsen,

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

Herolds opening hours can be seen at the homepage (visit link)
Herold ist offen (visit link)
Herold åbningstid (visit link)

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FFC: Herlock (visit link)
FFCJ: Jonathan (visit link)
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Herolds Varehus / Old Store
The Herold´s is special both for its old age and for its special stuff.

House, interieur and goods can be experienced as an untraditional museum or rather as a bubble of old time.

A detailed story can be read at the homepage (visit link)

As a geocacher one could take the view of the whole warehouse as one big geocache, but the place is driven as a normal store.

The cache - a shiny tin box - can only be logged during normal opening hours (visit link)

Besides finding the cache and logging your find at the spot, you are encouraged to tell about one af the things you have seen at the store-hous Herold.

Try to relate to your own experience of 'Old Time'.

Photos are also very wellcome.

Best regards,

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Tå vaq *** Fgrc va

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)