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Just a short walk? Mystery Cache

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Hidden : 01/21/2008
3 out of 5
1 out of 5

Size: Size:   small (small)

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Geocache Description:

Just a short walk?

 His love to Katrin is at least as big as he is! Otherwise he wouldn’t have made such a long trip to get to her. But there are several questions left (count letters, where required):

A)   Didn’t he know in which city to find her?

B)    Wasn’t his approximately weight (t) to much for travelling?

C)    Why did he cross that many European capital cities?

D)   Why did he only leave such a small safety margin (cm) at Jochenstein?

E)    Why did he cross the Black Sea and the Bosporus (naked!) with this other girl?

F)    And why did he continue his journey from Sicily with again another girl?

G)   On what day of the week was his journey completed?

YOU just have to go to

N 48°4(A),(C)(D)(G+2)
E 12°5(D),(B+E*F-D+100)

to get to your destination!

Happy hunting!

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