Pirates of Fort Zachary Traditional Cache
G W Hayduke: It's been a long run but this cache is now archived at the request of the park. They want to put a cache in the same area and apparently can't deal with any competition although more caches mean more visitors. Anyways. Peace out and thanks for the run!
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Cache is near historic Fort Zachary Taylor and the best beach in Key West!
Completed in 1866, Fort Zachary Taylor played important roles in the Civil War and Spanish-American War. A beautiful beach at the southern end of the park provides opportunities for picnicking, swimming, snorkeling, and fishing. This is a favorite spot for locals.
The cache is a larger container that is well hidden. PLEASE watch for muggles while seeking this cache as this is a very popular area for tourists and locals as well. Please make sure the cache is WELL hidden when you put it back.
**For all of you that don't know how to read the "Attributes" on the right hand side of the page, the dollar sign means that there IS a fee to enter the park.**
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