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Gorili rodinka Traditional Cache

This cache has been archived.

Rico Reviewer: Archivace listingu keše pro nezájem ownera.

Rico Reviewer - Comunity Volunteer Reviewer
Česká republika: Hlavní město Praha a Středočeský kraj

Hidden : 4/4/2009
1.5 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   small (small)

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Geocache Description:

Tradicni kes umistena nedaleko pavilonu goril v prazske ZOO.

Traditional cache located near the Gorilla Pavilion in Prague ZOO.

See English description below.



Kes je dostupna v oteviracich hodinach ZOO.

Kes umistili spolecnou rukou hseb a Schischule, fandove Moji a cele gorili rodinky.

V kesi vymenujte opicky v jakekoliv podobe, zviratka nebo cokoliv roztomileho.

V logu uvitame vase povedene fotky goril a ostatnich zvirat v ZOO.

Keš je umístena na novém míste, není nutné prelézat žádné ploty.

Pavilon goril

Byl otevren v zari 2001, ale povoden ho cely zaplavila v roce 2002. Z peti goril se podarilo ctyri zachranit, jeden samecek bohuzel povoden neprezil. Od cervna 2003 prochazel pavilon rekonstrukci a 25. rijna 2003 byl opet otevren. Vratily se do nej samice Shinda a Kijivu a prisel i novy samec Richard. Dne 13. 12. 2004 se samici Kijivu narodilo prvni gorili mlade v CR - samicka Moja. 30. kvetna 2007 se pak Moje narodil bratricek Tatu.

Dalsi informace o pavilonu:

Clenove gorili rodinky jsou hrdiny netradicni reality show Ceskeho rozhlasu "Odhaleni", ktera vznikla jako parodie na show "Big Brother" a "Vyvoleni". Jejich pribehy muzete sledovat on-line na

Mince Gorila Moja

Navstivte take minci Travel Lizard Gorila Moja. Toto je jeji domovska kes!


Foto © ZOO Praha

Umisteni pavilonu v ZOO

Mapa © ZOO Praha


The Cache

Cache is available in ZOO opening hours.

Cache was placed together by hseb and Schischule, fans of Moja and the whole gorilla family.

Trade monkeys in any form, animals or anything cute.

Your nice photos of gorillas and other animals in the ZOO are welcome in the log.

The cache is placed back on a new place. You don't have to pass any fences.

Gorilla Pavilion

It was opened in September 2001 but completely flooded in 2002. Four gorillas out of five survived, one male gorilla unfortunately did not survive the flood. Since June 2003 the pavilion was reconstructed and on 25th October 2003 was opened again. Females Shinda and Kijivu returned and a new male Richard came as well. On 13th December 2004 female Kijivu gave birth to the first little gorilla born in the Czech Republic – female Moja. On 30th May 2007 was born Moja’s little brother Tatu.

Odhaleni (The Revealed)

The members of the gorilla family are heroes of a non conventional reality show of the Czech public radio called "Odhaleni" ("The Revealed") which was created as a parody of previously introduced shows "Big Brother" and "Vyvoleni" ("The Chosen"). You can watch their adventures on-line at

Gorilla Moja Coin

Visit also the coin Travel Lizard Gorila Moja. This is its home cache!

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Mn mryrabh genirembh / Oruvaq terra veba

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)