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Nebesky jezdec Multi-Cache

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Voyager Reviewer: Archivace listingu keše

Voyager Reviewer Reviewer pro CR, (predevším kraje Jihomoravský, Zlínský)

Hidden : 5/25/2008
1 out of 5
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Geocache Description:

Tato jednoducha multicache vam nezabere vice nez pul hodiny. Uvodni souradnice vas privedou k pomnicku Otto Jebacka.
You will not spend more than half an hour with this easy multicache. The opening coordinates will guide you to the Otto Jebacek's memorial.

Podplukovnik Otto Jebacek.
Wing commander Otto Jebacek.


Tato cache je venovana pamatce kurimskeho obcana - podplukovnika Otto Jebacka, prislusnika 311. cs. bombardovaci perute RAF.

Otto Jebacek se narodil 10. cervna 1918 v Kurimi. Zde take navstevoval mistni Zakladni skolu na Komenskeho ulici (GC157PV). Udajne hral vyborne na pilu.

Zpusob, jak uprchl z okupovaneho Ceskoslovenska do Velke Britanie neni znam. V roce 1941 zacal vojensky vycvik u Operational Training Flight 311. ceskoslovenske bombardovaci perute. Po jeho dokonceni 2.2.1942 nastoupil k u teze perute jako radista – palubni strelec na letounech Vickers Wellington Mk.IC.

311. perut v te dobe prislusela k Velitelstvi bombardovaciho letectva a zasahovala nad nepratelskymi cili v okupovane Evrope. Pro velke ztraty ale byla v dubnu 1942 prevelena k Velitelstvi pobrezniho letectva a presunuta k preskupeni na sever Anglie. V ramci pusobeni pod Velitelstvim pobrezniho letectva nasi letci strezili more pred nemeckymi ponorkami, ktere v te dobe decimovaly spojenecke lodstvo. Jeden z takovychto letu se stal Otto Jebackovi osudnym.

Znak 311. cs perute – zkrizene husitske zbrane a motto "Na mnozstvi nehledte".
The badge of No. 311 Czechoslovak squadron – crossed Hussite arms and the motto: "Never regard their numbers".

Dne 15. zari 1942 se jeho Wellington s kodovym oznacenim KX-Y ev. c. HD982 nevratil z operacniho letu nad Biskajskym zalivem. Je vzpomenut na panelu 86 v pamatniku letcu v anglickem Runnymede a na pomnicku u Zakladni skoly na ul. Komenskeho v Kurimi. Za sveho pusobeni v Anglickem kralovskem letectvu dosahl hodnosti rotny. V roce 1991 byl v ramci mimoradneho povysovani prislusniku zahranicniho odboje z II. svetove valky in memoriam povysen do hodnosti podplukovnika.

Souradnice kese ziskate po precteni napisu na pomnicku.
Samotna kes je od nej vzdalena asi 180 m a je umistena pobliz ZS Komenskeho, kterou Otto Jebacek navstevoval.

N 49° 18.ABC
E 016° 32.DEF

A = pocet slov na 2. radku
B = pocet radku textu
C = pocet pismen "S" v textu
D = pocet pismen "L" v textu
E = A + C + D
F = soucet cislic na 4. radku

Pozor! Pri odlovu budte opatrni - jedna se o hodne frekventovane misto, zvlaste za pekneho pocasi!


This cache is dedicated to the memory of wing commander Otto Jebacek, member of the No. 311 Czechoslovak Squadron RAF and the citizen of Kurim.

Otto Jebacek was born on 10th June 1918 in Kurim. He attended the local primary school at Komenskeho street (GC157PV). It is said that he played the saw well.

The way he escaped from German-occupied Czechoslovakia is not clear. In 1941 he entered military training at the Operational Training Flight of No. 311 Czechoslovak Squadron. After its termination on 2nd February 1942 he continued at the same squadron as a Wireless Operator - Air Gunner on Vickers Wellington Mk.IC bombers.

Trojice lehkych bombarderu Wellington Mk.IC 311. cs. perute.
Trio of Wellington Mk.ICs belonging to No. 311 Czechoslovak Sqd.

At that time No. 311 Squadron belonged to the Bomber Command and engaged enemy targets in the occupied Europe. Because of high losts the squadron was assigned to the Coastal Command and transfered to the North of England to reorder in April 1942. Within operational flights for Coastal Command Czechoslovak airmen defended the sea against German submarines attacking allied fleet. One of these flights became deathly for Otto Jebacek.

On 15th September 1942 his Wellington with code marking KX-Y ev.num. HD982 did not return from the operational flight over the Bay of Biscay. Otto Jebacek is remembered on the pannel no. 86 in Runnymede Memorial in England and on the small monument nearby Primary school at Komenskeho street in Kurim. During his operating in the Royal Air Force he reached rank of flight sergeant. In 1991 he was promoted in memoriam to the rank of wing commander.

Cache coordinates you get after reading the text on the memorial.
The final cache is approximately 180 m far away from the memorial and it is placed nearby the primary school at Komenskeho street, that Otto Jebacek attended.

N 49° 18.ABC
E 016° 32.DEF

A = count of words on the 2nd row
B = count of rows in the text
C = count of character "S" in the text
D = count of character "L" in the text
E = A + C + D
F = sum of digits on the 4th row

Care! The cache surroundings is quite frequented (especially at fine weather), be stealthy when searching!

Letci tisnovska
Zlobice 09/2002
Zlobice 10/2002

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

[CZ] Ieon [EN] Jvyybj

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)