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GC Trail #1 Traditional Cache

Hidden : 8/1/2010
1.5 out of 5
2 out of 5

Size: Size:   micro (micro)

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How Geocaching Works

Please note Use of services is subject to the terms and conditions in our disclaimer.

Geocache Description:

Welcome to the GC Trail, otherwise known as, "The Geocaching Trail"

Click Here for a Larger Map

Before you attempt the trail you should read all of the guidelines listed below.

About the GC Trail:

The trail contains 188 caches and is approximately 30 miles (50km) long x 4 miles (6km) high. The shortest possible distance to drive the entire trail is 180 miles. The GC Trail is made up of a variety of caches such as Traditional, Multi, Puzzle, Whereigo, Letterbox and an EarthCache.

The GC Trail is not a power trail. You will need to check your GPS at each cache location to determine where to search. Each cache container is not necessarily hidden at the most obvious location. Although portions of the GC Trail are somewhat power trails, as a whole it is not a power trail and it may take a while to find all of the caches. There are many family friendly caches, rare difficulty/terrain combinations, and the odd bizarre cache along the trail.

Planning your trip to the GC Trail:

  • Ensure you have a full tank of fuel before setting out on your adventure
  • There are very few shops along or near the trail so we suggest taking enough food and drink for your entire adventure
  • The nearest services are located in Lennox; 6 miles from the closest cache
  • The nearest major airport is located in Sioux Falls, SD (FSD) 30 miles away
  • The best time to attempt the trail is from April to October. Many of the caches are not winter friendly and can get buried in snow easily.
  • Don’t forget a pen!

We recommend that you follow all geocaching guidelines set by Groundspeak. Please practice geocaching etiquette while geocaching along the trail.

GC Trail Guidelines:

Driving -

  • Do not park on State Highways or paved county roads. You should always fully pull off the road before attempting to locate a geocache. Most geocaches have a parking location within a 100 feet or so
  • Always drive on the road. Do not attempt to drive to each cache.
  • Respect private property at all times
  • As per South Dakota laws do not park in the follow locations :
  • - in an intersection
    - in a construction area if your vehicle will block traffic
    - within 30 ft. of a stop sign or yield
    - within 15 ft. of a fire hydrant,
    - blocking a driveway, alley, private road or area of the curb removed or lowered for access to the sidewalk,
    - on a bridge or overpass or in a tunnel or underpass,
    - on the wrong side of the street,
    - wherever a sign says you cannot park


  • PLEASE take extreme care while geocaching along the GC Trail. Although many caches may be park & grabs there are a lot of hidden obsticals such as sink holes, steel posts, stumps, culverts, water filled ditches, debris and barb wire. We recommend not attempting the GC Trail at night.
  • Please place each cache back as you found it. If the cache was found in a “weird” location, place it in the closest position matching the difficulty and terrain ratting. Please do not make the cache any easier or more difficult than the listed rating.
  • As usual, you must SIGN the log to claim a find. Please avoid using stickers in logs as they tend to waste a lot of space.
  • If at any time you locate a cache and the log is full or wet, you’re welcome to replace the log.
  • While returning each cache to its original location, please ensure it's as water tight as possible
  • If you drop, loose or break a cache or part of, you’re welcome to replace it with a similar container.
  • If you locate a cache and the cache is damaged (E.g. Chewed by an animal, shot, rusty) you’re welcome to replace it.
  • As usual, use stealth and avoid mugglers seeing yourself or your vehicle where ever possible.
  • If you cannot locate a traditional cache rated a 2.0 difficulty or less after 10 minutes of searching you’re welcome to replace the cache with one of a similar type.
  • If you cannot locate a traditional cache rated a 2.5 terrain or less after 10 minutes of searching you’re welcome to replace the cache with one of a similar type.
  • If you need to replace a cache, ensure your GPSs accuracy is within 10ft or so. Also read the hint before replacing a cache. The last thing we want is multiple hides at a cache location.
  • Do not search for disabled caches. We will only disable caches as a last resort and for a very good reason. If for some reason you do find a disabled cache, PLEASE email us before logging your find. If you only have a few caches to go before completing the GC trail and a cache is disabled, email us and we will see what we can do to help your cause.

Disclaimer: Always exercise common sense and caution while geocaching. Geocaching and related activities in any form are inherently extremely dangerous. Individuals seeking this cache and any other cache in the GC Trail series are personally responsible for receiving the proper instructions and training on using any equipment and the required skills to reach and return from each cache safely. Any person attempting these caches and/or any related activities assumes all liabilities and are personal responsibility for any and all damages and injuries. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, do not attempt any caches in the GC Trail Series.

Have Fun!

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About this Cache:
You're looking for a winter friendly micro. Watch out for holes hidden in the grass.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Cvyy obggyr gbc bs cbfg.

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)