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Castelo de Silves Multi-Cache

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daraopedal: R.I.P.

Hidden : 12/3/2008
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Geocache Description:

Construído pelos árabes Almorávidas no século XI, o Castelo de Silves é hoje um local de passeio e lazer, que relembra a grandiosidade da arte muçulmana e reflecte o esplendor que a civilização islâmica alcançou no Algarve.
Imponente e admirável, é o espaço ideal para desfrutar de uma visita ao passado português e apreciar, a partir do miradouro mais bonito de Silves, a vista fabulosa sobre a cidade, o campo e o rio Arade. Considerado monumento nacional desde 1910, o Castelo de Silves é hoje o maior, mais importante e melhor conservado do Algarve.
Este impressionante castelo de paredes vermelhas – construído em grés vermelho da região e taipa -, situado no cimo da colina e rodeado por uma cortina de muralhas e onze torreões, parece funcionar como uma máquina do tempo que transporta os visitantes para a fortaleza militar que foi outrora.
A gigantesca porta principal, com acesso através da Medina, é resguardada por duas torres e protegida pela casa do guarda que, apesar de inoperacional, parece vigiar os visitantes que entram na fortaleza. Cavada na muralha a norte, um postigo apelidado de “porta da traição” chama a atenção dos mais curiosos, não só pelo nome, mas porque tem acesso directo ao exterior.
No recinto interior destacam-se o repousante jardim e os depósitos de alimentos subterrâneos, em tempos silos árabes, com entrada por pequenas aberturas ao nível do solo. A Cisterna da Moura, com cerca de 10 metros de altura e quatro abóbadas assentes em colunas, e a Cisterna dos Cães, um poço com 60 metros de profundidade, fazem lembrar as histórias das Mil e Uma Noites. Diz a lenda que o visitante atento consegue ouvir o lamento da moura encantada que chora pelo seu amado no fundo do poço onde se suicidou.
Uma visita a não perder, repleta de fragmentos de história e vestígios de presença árabe, que permitem ao visitante imaginar como seria a vida no castelo há dez séculos atrás.
Silves Castle stands majestically on a hill overlooking the town of Silves in the Algarve region of Portugal.
In the year of 1060, Fernando I, King of Leon and Castile seized this magnificent castle built from red sandstone blocks and taipa; a Moorish mixture of mud and sandstone that hardens out like stone and held it for a short time. It was later retaken by the Moors.
In 1189, with the help of foreign forces from England, Germany and a contingent of Flemish crusaders, Portuguese forces, attacked the town destroying everything outside of the town’s walls. It took the combined armies six weeks before the Moors surrendered, after an agreement was reached with the Portuguese King Sancho.
The Moors along with all their belongings were allowed to leave unharmed. After leaving the safety of Silves castle with the knowledge that their passage to safety was assured, a group of mercenary Crusaders violated the agreement struck with the King of Portugal and every last man was slaughtered. On top of this atrocity the town was ransacked.

In 1190, a Moorish force lead by Yacub Ben Yussuf tried in vain to retake the castle. His attempts were thwarted due to the town being stoutly defended by Christian forces with the help of Richard the Lionheart. A more successful attempt was made a year later.
The rollercoaster ride for ownership of the castle at Silves was again brought to the fore when it was retaken by Sancho I, in 1198 with the help of German Crusaders. This time around Sancho was unable to keep the castle from falling into enemy hands and gave the order for it to be dismantled. 1242, Silves was finally conquered by the Master of the Order of Santiago; Don Paio Peres Correia, during the reign of Alfonso III, who ordered it to be restored. It is his statue that can bee seen just outside the castles gate.
Twice during the 1700’s the Algarve was rocked by heavy earthquakes which seriously damaged the castle. The first time was in 1722 and the second time was 1755. It was not until the start of the Second World War in 1940, which Portugal played no part in that the castle was restored.
Silves castle was constructed with eleven square towers, two of which are barbicans joined to the ramparts by a supporting arch that holds up the walk way. There were two entrances to the castle grounds; the main gate defended by two towers and a so-called 'traitors-gate'.
During the 14th and 15th century, four of the towers which were modified at the time, have gothic doorways, vaulted halls and stones bearing the marks of medieval masons.
Inside the castles walls, nothing remains of the original Moorish buildings but two cisterns; a small one, 60 meters deep of Roman origin, and a larger one. The larger one is called 'El Moura Encantada', after a legend that says you can hear a Moorish princess mourning her beloved at this well where he committed suicide.
A cache:
Este multi-cache simples vai levá-lo a duas perspectivas diferentes do castelo.
Terão de se deslocar à entrada do castelo, na coordenada inicial e observar a estátua de D. Sancho I. Na sua mão esquerda está um pergaminho com a seguinte inscrição:
Sancius de gratia portugallis, silvis et Algarbii rex 1???”.
Os pontos de interrogação correspondem aos três últimos algarismos de uma data que terão de anotar e acrescentar a esta coordenada falsa para encontrar a coordenada final.
N 37º 11.(375 + ???) W 008º 26.(052 + ???)
The cache
This simple multi-cache will take you to two different views of the castle.
You will have to go to the entrance of the castle, at the given coordinates and observe the statue of D. Sancho I. In his left hand is a parchment with the following inscription:
"Sancius gratia of Portugal, Silva et Algarbii rex 1???".
The question marks are the last three digits of a date that will need to write down and add to this false coordinate to find the final.
Final coordinate:
N 37º 11.(375 + ???) W 008º 26.(052 + ???)

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

CG: Ire Fcbvyre RAT: Frr fcbvyre

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)