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Zloukovice Traditional Cache

This cache has been archived.

Tobias Reviewer: Archivace listingu keše.

[b]Tobias Reviewer, Reviewer pro ČR[/b]

Hidden : 2/8/2009
2 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   micro (micro)

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Geocache Description:

CZ: Tato nenarocna kes vas zavede do malebne vesnicky Zloukovice, ktera
se nachazi 4 km od mesta Nizbor u reky Berounky.
EN: This simple cache takes you to the picturesque village Zloukovice,
which is situated 4 km from the town Nizbor on a river Berounka.

Po cela staleti, od prvni historicke zminky tu zili vetsinou jen chudsi chalupnici a take lide, kteri byli spjati s huti pod Nizborem - uhliri. Mala a poklidna vesnicka bez jakehokoli prumyslu- jeste pred sto lety tu stálo jen par desitek cisel popisnych - ma dnes kolem 180 obyvatel, tedy mnohem mene nez v minulosti. Maly pocet obyvatel vsak vyrovnava zejmena v letnich mesicich priliv chataru, protoze prave v okoli Zloukovic vyrostly nejrozsahlejsí chatové osady na Nizborsku. Dodnes obec zustava zivou kronikou lidoveho stavitelstvi stredoceskeho typu, ktere je zcasti pod pamatkovou ochranou statu.

For centuries, from the first historical references have lived here mostly poorer cottagers and people who were connected with the smelting works of Nižbor - coalman. Small and quiet village, without any industry - before hundred years ago there was only a few dozen houses - today has around 180 inhabitants, therefore much less than in the past. However, a small number of people is compensated In the summer months by inflow of cottagers, because in the surroundings of Zloukovice grew largest chalet villages in surroundings of Nizbor . Today the village remains live chronicle Central Bohemia type of folk architecture, which is partly under the historical protection status.


Geocykliste muzou ke kesi prijet po cyklostezce 0050 na kterou se tesne pred Zloukovicemi napojuje take 0054. Zloukovice jsou v lete take oblibenou zastavkou pro vodaky, nachazeji se na 47. ricnim kilometru. Vase geovozidlo muzete zaparkovat na souradnicich 50°0'51.331"N, 13°57'24.142"E a naobedvat se muzete ve zdejsi restauraci 50°0'52.155"N, 13°57'22.189"E .

Cyclists can arrive to the shelter by cycle-trail 0050 to which is just before Zloukovice connects 0054 too. Zloukovice are popular in summer way point for boats, they are located on the 47th river kilometer. You can park your car at coordinates 50°0'51.331"N, 13°57'24.142"E and you have lunch at local restaurant 50°0'52.155"N, 13°57'22.189"E.

Pro upresnení: keška je ukryta na moste, ne pod ním.
Po predchozích zkušenostech dbejte prosím zvýšené opatrnosti pri vyzvedávání/vracení kešky, aby vám nespadla dolu do kontrukce mostu!

For clarity: the cache is hidden on the bridge, not under it.
After previous experience please take increased care when you pick up/return the cache. It can not fall down into the construction of the bridge!

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

[CZ] Mn pvuybh, mrfcbqn an cyrpuh. [EN] Oruvaq gur oevpx, zntarg.

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)