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Donačka gora Traditional Cache

Hidden : 4/13/2009
2.5 out of 5
3.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

GC star več kot 10 let

Donacka gora 
Med  Bocem  in Macljem leži Donacka gora (882m), ki je dobila ime po cerkvici Svetega Donata (511m). Cerkvica izvira iz 18. stoletja in se nahaja na južni strani gore. Donacko goro ob vznožju obdajajo gricevja, iz katerih se njen vrh strmo dvigne v kratek in oster greben enakomerne višine. Leži na vzhodni meji alpskega sveta.
Posebnost obmocja predstavlja naravni rezervat (27 ha), ki je zavarovan kot pragozd od leta 1965.
Donacka gora privablja vedno vec turistov, obcudovalcev narave.
Dobro oznacene pohodniške poti omogocajo sprošcujoc sprehod skozi gozd in opazovanje zanimivih botanicnih vrst.
Z vrha planine lahko vidimo Sljeme (CRO), Graz (A), Balaton (H), Savinjske in Julijske Alpe, Pohorje in Peco.
Na pozicji N46 14.720 E15 43.334 se zacne cesta, ki vodi do parkirišca pri Rudijevem domu. Ta zaklad sva postavila v spomin na najino poroko pred dvema dnevoma.

Donacka Mountain 
Donacka Mountain (882 m), which got its name after the church of St. Donat (511m), is located between Boc and Macelj. The church dates from the 18th century and can be found on the sunny side of the mountain. The mountain is surrounded by hills which end up in a steepy, sharp ridge of even height. It borders the eastern part of the Alps.
Donacka Mountain is well known for its natural reserve (27ha), which has been under national protection as a primeval forest since 1965. That is why it attracts more and more tourists, especially nature lovers.
Well marked hiking paths enable relaxing walks through the forest and observations of interesting botanic species.
There is a beautiful view from the top of the mountain which goes as far as Sljeme in Croatia, Graz in Austria, Lake Balaton in Hungary, Savinjske and Julijske Alpe, Pohorje and Peca in Slovenia.
At  N46 14,720 E15 43,334 begins the road which leads to the parking space at Rudijev dom.  That cache was placed in memory of our wedding day two days ago.

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Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Šxngyn wr fxevgn i yhxawv cbq fxnyb mnxevgn f xnzabz. Pnpur vf uvqqra va n ubyr haqre n ebpx, pbirerq jvgu fgbar.

Decryption Key


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