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Salty Trees Traditional Cache

This cache is temporarily unavailable.

IgnotusPeverell: Greetings Sipapu Cache, I'm IgnotusPeverell, one of the volunteer reviewers for caches submitted to

This cache has been flagged by Geocaching HQ as one that may need attention. Will you please check on this geocache?

I want to thank you for the time that you have taken to contribute to geocaching in the past, and I am looking forward to seeing your cache up and running again in the future. I'm temporarily disabling it, to give you the opportunity to check on the cache, and replace or repair it, if necessary. Cache Owner Responsibilities include monitoring logs for reported problems, updating any changes to the text or coordinates, removing Needs Maintenance attributes, marking trackables as missing if they are not in the geocache, enabling the listing, and more.

If you feel you won't be able to maintain this geocache in a timely manner, you may post an update to the geocache page or you may archive it (this will keep the cache from continually showing up in search lists).

Otherwise, it can be enabled once you have made repairs. Please use the "Write Note" feature to leave notes on the cache page. Please do not use the "OWNER MAINTENANCE" log until you do the maintenance, and the cache is ready to be found again.

When repairs to this cache are completed and it is time to enable your cache, it will be no problem. You can re-enable the cache page by clicking the link under the cache name or by checking the box that says the cache is active. If a "Needs Maintenance" log was posted, you will also need to log an Owner Maintenance log to clear the "Needs Maintenance" icon from the geocache page.

Do not reply to this email. It is sent by a no-reply mailbot so I won't get it. To contact me with any questions or concerns about this geocache, please e-mail me directly at, and reference this geocache with the GC number and/or link to the geocache page.

"If a geocache is archived by a reviewer or staff for lack of maintenance it will not be unarchived."

Additionally, please note that if I've not heard from you in 4 weeks, I may be forced to archive this cache. Don't let your cache get archived for non-communication.

Thanks for your understanding,
Volunteer Reviewer for Colorado and New Mexico
[?] Help Center [?]

Hidden : 5/10/2009
2 out of 5
3.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

Located on Sipapu Ski Area

A nice hike about half way up Sipapu Ski Area. Located in the trees off of a main trail. Not available when ski area is in operation.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Ybaryl Ohfu

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)