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Church Micro 738 - St. Laurence, Frodsham Traditional Cache

This cache has been archived.

Deceangi: As the Cache Owner has failed to action a Needs Archiving Log, I'm Archiving this cache for Non Maintenance.

Please avoid geolitter by removing any remaining traces of your cache or contact a local cacher to do so for you. If you are having difficulty doing so then please contact me via my profile and I will try to get someone to assist. This is particularly important if your cache appears to contain Travelbugs or Geocoins.

Deceangi Volunteer UK Reviewer

Hidden : 05/24/2009
1.5 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   small (small)

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Geocache Description:

Church Micro 738 - St. Laurence Parish Church of Frodsham

A cache n' dash, placed by Haz_n_Jo

Take a trip to the fascinating church of St. Laurence, built from red sandstone, and with some impressive architecture and grade II listed tombs. The interior of the church is impressive too, should you get the opportunity to venture inside.

Parking is relatively easy, and this is a nice cache n' dash.

Cache is placed on a public footpath, quite near the local church. Extreme stealth will be required, as this is a busy thoroughfare. Please take care to conceal the box upon replacement, to avoid it being muggled. When placed, the cache contained:

A FTF badge
Log book & pencil
Micro compass
Bouncy ball
Toy parachutist
Mini crayons
TB - D'Ogtagnan
GC - Amazing View

If anybody would like to expand on this series please do so. Could you please let sadexploration know first so he can keep track of the Church numbers and names to avoid duplication.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

gjb gehaxf

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)