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Undernourished Traditional Cache

This cache has been archived.

Suzze&Grump: Well, after being here almost 11 years someone took pity on “Undernourished” and took him home to give him some nourishment. Thanks to whomever it was.

Thanks also to all who had logged our cache through the years.

Happy Caching! Suzze&Grump

Hidden : 11/13/2009
1.5 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   micro (micro)

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Geocache Description:

Generated by The Selector

Congratulations suz55tbird FTF!

This cache was placed as part of the "Hiding Out in Roswell" and "Roswell That Ends Well" Events. Thanks to Frog Dog and Corker and uuesley for these 2 great events. The time and work that was put into them is amazing... Things just seem to be out of reach for some. Way easy find, log only so BYOP. Please replace as found and as always there might be some un-welcome visitors in the area be-careful of creepy things.

Thanks for stopping by, we hope this cache brought a smile. Suzze&Grump :)

Additional Hints (No hints available.)