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Das Ulmer FORT - 10 Jahre Geocaching Mega-Event Cache

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Hidden : Saturday, 19 June 2010
2.5 out of 5
2 out of 5

Size: Size:   large (large)

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Geocache Description:

Das Fest ist vorbei und wir haben uns gefreut so viele begeisterungsfähige Gäste begrüßen zu dürfen. Nur zusammen mit Euch konnte das Event so werden wie es war.


Für FamilienLiebevolle Caches in der Natur für die großen und natürlich auch die ganz kleinen Cacher.


Für StatistikerHin und weg, in Ulm kann man auch etwas für seine Statistik tun.


Für HCClerDunkel runter oder luftig hoch geht es in Ulm auch. Lasst Euch überraschen.


A fence in the woods, strange rolling hills beyond. A few meters further you notice a wall, some concrete, chimneys and vent pipes. What's this strange area next to the Ulm University? Let's follow the fence. A gate, it's open! We slowly follow the crooked path down to a large gate with attached spikes. This is the place, the venue for Ulm's major summer event.

Geocaching now exists for 10 years. The first cache was listed on back in September 2000. Already in May 2000, Dave Ulmer hid the first cache of the world. Where else, but in Ulm, this anniversary can be commemorated better. We want to celebrate together with YOU from June 18th to 20th 2010 in a unique environment! Not in an air conditioned hall, but in the middle of a real abandoned place: THE FORT, approximately 130 year old unused by anybody for the last 30 years, except a few sheep, goats and a donkey named Paul. An event somewhere between underground and beer garden atmosphere. An abandoned place just next to the vibrant life of the university.

The festivities and and social program will last three days. To make this a one-of-a-kind experience for you, we offer about 300 people to stay overnight in THE FORT. We'll sleep in former living quarters, watch rooms and gun powder depots. There is also the possibility to set up small tents in the surrounding ditch. Spots for overnight stay are allocated on first come first serve basis, so make sure to register soon!

The social program includes specific events, from FORTbewegung - the kids event - and FORTbildung - a combination of special tours, seminars and presentations - to FORTgeschrittene - the T5 event for „advanced“ cachers and FORTschritt - a presentation of new geocaching gear. The last day will see FORTschaffen - a CITO to cover our tracks. Afterwards we have to hope for a FORTsetzung - a sequel next year.

Above the pathways, tunnels and casemates we'll mingle in the shadow of old trees, sharing experiences, telling anecdotes and listening to helpful suggestions.

To cover the expenses of the event there will be a fee of €15.00 for each team.

The fee will not only allow you to attend the event but you will also receive a special event coin which will not be sold elsewhere. Any surplus will be donated to Förderkreis Bundesfestung Ulm e.V. and thus contribute to the conservation of such places.

Additional registration information is available on our event website.


get-together on Friday


guided tours

guided tours of the Bundesfestung - other forts, tunnels and more

presentations and seminars

climbing safety
presentation and movie about the Bundesfestung

custom program for kids


coin trading


rope activity


CITO on Sunday


Other side-events

FORTrefflich, Fr. 15 Uhr

FORTführung I

FORTführung II

T5 für FORTgeschrittene, So. 10 Uhr

An event which in contrary to the rope activities of the main event targets advanced T5 cachers

FORTschaffen, So. 12 Uhr

More key facts

The Location

Fort oberer Eselsberg (Nebenwerk), part of Bundesfestung Ulm- one of the largest fortificaions of its type
built in 1883
160 by 140 meters (525 by 460 ft.)


June 18th to 20th 2010


€15.00 per team (max 2 adults plus children), coin included
€7.50 for each additional adult team member


1. log „Will Attend“
2. fill in the registration form on our event website
3. transfer the amount
4. wait for the confirmation email
5. bring the code you have received to the event

Das Programm

Come Together am Freitag



Führungen durch Anlagen der Bundesfestung - andere Forts, Stollen und vieles mehr

Vorträge / Seminare

Sicherheit beim Klettern
Vortrag über die Bundesfestung und Vorführung des Festungsfilms

Spezielles Kinderprogramm






CITO am Sonntag


Weitere Sub-Events

FORTrefflich, Fr. 15 Uhr

FORTführung I

FORTführung II

T5 für FORTgeschrittene, So. 10 Uhr

Ein Event, welches sich im Gegensatz zu den Seilaktivitäten im Rahmen des Hauptevents eher an die fortgeschrittenen T5-Cacher richtet

FORTschaffen, So. 12 Uhr

Weitere Fakten

Die Location

Fort oberer Eselsberg (Nebenwerk), Teil der Bundesfestung Ulm- einer der größten Festungen ihrer Art
1883 erbaut
160 x 140 Meter

Die Zeit

18. bis 20. Juni

Die Kosten

15,--€ pro Team (max. 2 Erwachsene plus Kinder) inkl. Coin
Jeder weitere Erwachsene im Team zusätzlich 7,50 €


1. "Will attend" loggen
2. Auf der Event-Homepage das Anmeldeformular ausfüllen
3. Betrag überweisen
4. Bestätigungsmail abwarten und
5. den dort enthaltenen Code zum Event mitbringen.




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