Superior Producer Multi-Cache
Size:  (small)
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Due to recent construction at the cache site, the primary cache container location (on land) is closed. I have relocated the log to the actual shipwreck. In order to find this cache, you must make the dive.
Specifically, the log is a diver's slate attached to the rudder of the ship. Unfortunately, the log has been muggled in the past. Please read the spoiler hint before you make the dive so you will know what to do if the slate is missing. As always, please upload any photos you take of your dive on "The Producer."
Additional Hints
Vs lbh svaq gur fyngr zhttyrq (zvffvat), lbh znl jevgr lbhe anzr va gur fnaq ba gur bprna sybbe arne gur ehqqre bs gur fuvc gb fngvfsl gur erdhverzrag gb "fvta n ybt."