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Lanier Bridge Traditional Cache

Hidden : 2/16/2010
1.5 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

An ammo can in the woods near a historical sign at the entrance to Pasco County River Park.

The first bridge crossing the Withlacoochee River at this site was built in the 1850s by slaves belonging to James Lanier. Replaced several times during the following century, the bridge served lumber, turpentine and cattle operations along with several short-lived small towns including Ashley and Titanic. Some timbers from one of the early bridges remain in the river about 100 yards downstream. During the Second Seminole War, Old Tiger Tail, a prominent War Chief had his camp in swamps near the east bank of the river. About 1900 the Campbell family operated a cypress shingle factory on the west side of the river north of the bridge. During prohibition, many illicit whiskey stills operated in the area. Two revenue agents were murdered nearby after failing to heed the local sheriff's warning: "Don't go beyond the Lanier Bridge." Men suspected of the murder were killed in a gunfight shortly afterward and their bodies displayed to the public in Dade City.

To learn the rest of the history you will need to go find the cache and read the other side of the historical marker.

This cache was placed by a member of the Florida Geocaching Association.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Vg'f na nzzb pna!

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)