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Sv. Martin – Bled Traditional Cache

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Cenarius: Živjo N_I_L2,

Ugotavljam, da na moje opozorilo o potrebi po vzdrževalnem posegu ni bilo odziva. Ker zaklad ne ustreza več zahtevam iz Smernic za postavljanje zakladov, sem zaklad arhiviral. S tem sem med drugim tudi sprostil mesto za postavitev novega zaklada, ki bo ustrezal smernicam.

Če meniš, da imaš za nevzdrževanje upravičene razloge in želiš zaklad v bližnji prihodnosti obnoviti, mi to čim prej sporoči na elektronski naslov, naveden v mojem profilu. V sporočilu morata biti obvezno navedena GC koda in ime zaklada. Če bo zaklad ustrezal zahtevam iz Smernic za postavljanje zakladov in bodo razlogi za odarhiviranje utemeljeni, bom zaklad mogoče odarhiviral.

V primeru trajnega arhiviranja zaklada, so lastniki dolžni odstraniti vse, kar so v zvezi z zakladom postavili na terenu (vsebnik in vse postavljene vmesne stopnje).

Hvala za razumevanje in lep pozdrav.

Cenarius - slovenski pregledovalec prostovoljec
Center za pomoč in Smernice za postavljanje zakladov

Log created by TheGrimReaper GSAK macro

Hidden : 03/20/2010
1.5 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   micro (micro)

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Geocache Description:

SLO: Farna cerkev sv. Martina na Bledu je ena od pomembnejših zgradb na Bledu. Skupaj z gradom in grajskim hribom, jezerom in otokom predstavlja del klasicne blejske vedute.

ENG: The parish church of St. Martina in Bled is one of more important buildings in Bled. Together with the castle and the castle hill, the lake and the island it forms a part of classical Bled veduta.


Cerkev, posvecena farnemu zavetniku sv. Martinu, je bila zgrajena l. 1905 v neo-gotskem slogu na kraju prejšnje, gotske iz 15. st., medtem ko je bila prva kapela postavljena tu že pred letom 1000. Za novo cerkev so sprejeli nacrte prof. Friedricha von Schmidta (avtorja mestne hiše na Dunaju), a jih je predvsem glede notranje oprave spremenil arhitekt Josip pl. Vancaš. Vecina plastik iz najboljšega kararskega marmorja je delo konzervatorja Ivana Vurnika iz Radovljice. Pred cerkvijo stoji marijino znamenje, ki ga je projektiral v letih pred 2. svetovno vojno najvecji slovenski arhitekt Jože Plecnik. Na hrbtnem delu plašca kipa sv. Marije je tudi prvi zametek današnjega slovenskega grba z nakazano zvezdo iz grba Celjskih grofov in silhueto Triglava. Ohranjeno obzidje iz 15. st. spominja na dobo turških vpadov v naše kraje. (vir:

Zelo lepa je tudi notranjost cerkve, predvsem freske, ki jih je v letih od 1932 do 1937 izdelal akademski slikar Slavko Pengov. Zanimive so predvsem poslikave na temo »Ocenaš«. Vsaka od slik predstavlja eno od vrstic te molitve. Snov za slike je Pengov vzel iz vsakdanjega življenja. Vecina je razumljivih, pri nekaterih pa je treba poznati globljo teološko razlago ali umetnikovo interpretacijo. Vsekakor od vseh poslikav na opazovalca najvecji vtis naredi slika poslednje sodbe (amen): »Vsa kompozicija in umetniška slikarska izpeljava misli v gibih in v barvi je tako živa in resnicna, da se clovek ob njej zresni in obcuti strah božji. V tej sliki se je pokazal Pengov mojster v barvi. Na levi je temacno v sivozelenkasti barvi prepricevalno oznacena minljivost in beda sveta. Na desni v živo rumenordeci vsa groza pekla. Iz zgornjega dela slike, kjer je božja skupina, je ustvaril iz barv pravo nebeško lepoto« (iz publikacije »Pod plašcem svetega Martina«, izdane ob 100 letnici cerkve).

Cache je mikro velikost in skrit nekje v bližini cerkve. Prinesi svoje pisalo!


The church, dedicated to St. Martin, was built in 1905 in neo-Gothic style on the site of the previous Gothic church dating from the 15th century; although the very first chapel was erected here before the year 1000. The new church was built following the plans of Prof. Friedrich von Schmidt (the architect of the Vienna City Hall), but these were consequently changed by architect Josip Vancaš - namely in their design of the interior. The majority of sculptures were made by restoration specialist Ivan Vurnik from Radovljica and were produced from the best Carrera marble. In front of the church stands a signpost dedicated to Virgin Mary which was designed by the great Slovenian architect, Jože Plecnik, in the years before World War II. On the back part of the St. Mary’s coat one can see the first proposal for the present coat of arms of Slovenia with a star from the coat of arms of Counts of Celje and a silhouette of Triglav. The well-preserved walls from the 15th century remind us of the periods of Turkish invasions to these lands. (source:

The interior of the church is very beautiful, especially the frescoes, which were created by the academic painter Slavko Pengov in the years 1932 to 1937. Among those, more interesting are the paintings on the theme "Our Father". Each image represents one of the lines of this prayer. Pengov took the substance for the images from everyday life. Most of them are understandable, for some it is necessary to know the deeper theological or artist's interpretation. In any case, the biggest impression on the observer is made by the image of the last judgment (Amen): "The composition and the artistic derivation of thoughts in movements and colour are so real and alive that man becomes serious and feels the fear of God. In this painting Pengov proved to be a master of colour. On the left the life's brief duration and the misery of this world is marked by dark grey-green colour. On the right in live yellow-reddish shades one can see all horrors of hell. At the top of the image, with the group of the Divine, the painter created a genuine heavenly beauty” (from the publication "Under the mantle of Saint Martin", issued at the 100th anniversary of the church).

The cache is of a micro size and hidden somewhere in the vicinity of the church. Bring your pen!

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