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Clare Writch Wruins Traditional Cache

This cache has been archived.

LavaLizard: As there's been no cache to find for months, I'm archiving it to keep it from continually showing up in search lists, and to prevent it from blocking other cache placements. If you wish to repair/replace the cache sometime in the future, just contact us (by email), and assuming it meets the guidelines, we'll be happy to unarchive it.

Groundspeak Volunteer Cache Reviewer

Hidden : 6/27/2010
2 out of 5
4 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

Moderately strenuous 1.9-mile hike or bike from the parking lot on Stephens Ranch Rd above the golf course. Second half is severely overgrown, so be prepared for a little bushwhacking. This location can also be reached from anywhere within the Marshall Canyon / Claremont Wilderness Park system of trails.

This cache was placed at the ruins of an old, long-abandoned structure up in the hills. Several years ago, a wildfire in the area appears to have burned the structure to the ground, leaving only the foundation behind. Legend has it that an old witch (the Clare Writch) used to haunt these grounds, but the wildfire set her free. You can learn more about her when you find the cache.

From the parking lot at Stephens Ranch Rd, continue following Stephens Ranch east into the Marshall Canyon Regional Park. Take a left on Cobal Canyon Mtwy and follow it around (keep left) until you reach a large open area at about the 1 mile mark. This is fairly easy fire road to this point, but some climbing.

From here, find the small trail at the far (west) end of the open area, following it down the hill. This trail is usually very overgrown - possibly a remnant of the Clare Writch's defenses around her old stomping grounds. The first section is a hike-a-bike if you are biking, but it's mostly ridable beyond that. Be prepared to ride or hack your way through a lot of brush in any case. It's also a pretty hefty climb up from here.

Follow the trail as it gradually becomes an old road (but still severely overgrown), staying to the right at the first two forks. At the third fork, keeping left will be your most direct route, but going right will get you there too. Eventually the "road" will curve around to the left and dump you at the ruins of this old structure.

Here is a map of the above route: (visit link)

The cache is a metal can, about 7" tall by 4" in diameter. It's inside a larger container for some extra protection from the elements, so you'll need to find that container. More details in the hints section.

At the time of placement, the cache contained 4 dice, a guitar pick, a toy bike (in honor of the BIKE GODS who placed it), a squishy globe ball, a miniature tennis ball, a Livestrong wristband, a magical movie ticket stub, and a small level transported from another cache.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Ynetr "obk" jvgu 5 pbyhzaf. Zvqqyr pbyhza.

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)