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Manjana Multi-Cache

This cache has been archived.

Nikrmana: Unfortunately there's been some continuing issues with this cache and there is no option to replace it, thus I am archiving it. I'm also archiving it to keep it from continually showing up in search lists, and to prevent it from blocking other cache placements.

If you wish to repair/replace the cache sometime in the future, just contact us (by email), and assuming it meets the guidelines, we'll be happy to unarchive it.

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Hidden : 6/28/2010
3 out of 5
3 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

English You stay at a gate. Sum all Roman digits of the inscription on the gate to get A.
Continue [2*A/10-20] meters, bearing [A/10-11] degrees.

There is a wooden guidepost. (update: There used to be a wooden guidepost with the label "LUCICA".) Sum all Roman digits in the name of the cave to get B.
Continue [A/10] meters, bearing [A-B*4-4] degrees.

You see a sculpture having an inscription around it. Sum all Roman digits together to get C.
Continue [(C+47)/10] meters, bearing [C-B-A-80] degrees.

From this point you see an object, which is about [C-B-A-199] meters high and has D thin wires on its very top, a lower part with E black strips, F red strips, an upper part with G  black balls made of either wood (H=6), or iron (H=7), or plastic (H=8) and which is fastened to its lower iron part by J bolts. The cache is located at:

N43 17.[E*F*G*H*J-F] E16 5F.[D*E*F*H*J-E*J]

Are you going to sign the logbook now or would you prefer cooling your head beforehand? big smile

Czech Stojis u brany. Secti vsechny rimske cislice na jeji ceduli a znas A.
Pokracuj [2*A/10-20] metru, azimut [A/10-11] stupnu.

Uz jsi u smerovniku? (aktualizace: Tady byval smerovnik a na nem "LUCICA".) Secti vsechny rimske cislice v nazvu mista a mas B.
Pokracuj [A/10] metru, azimut [A-B*4-4] stupnu.

Najdi sosku. Secti vsechny rimske cislice v napisu na jeji nice a znas C.
Pokracuj [(C+47)/10] metru, azimut [C-B-A-80] stupnu.

Z tohoto mista vidis objekt, ktery je asi [C-B-A-199] metru vysoky, ma uplne nahore D tenkych dratu, ve sve spodni casti E cernych pruhu a F cervenych pruhu a dale horni cast s G koulemi, ktere jsou bud ze dreva (H=6), nebo ze zeleza (H=7), nebo z plastu (H=8), a jsou pripevnene ke spodni kovove casti J srouby. Cache najdes na:

N43 17.[E*F*G*H*J-F] E16 5F.[D*E*F*H*J-E*J]

No a mas to. Jdes se podivat do krabice rovnou nebo si nejdriv skocis zchladit hlavu? big smile

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

[EN] rabgfnerqahrabgfngn [CZ] zrarznxqbcrarznxh

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)