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DeCACHElon!! Mystery Cache

This cache has been archived.

ILReviewer: Archived

Hidden : 8/3/2010
4 out of 5
4.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   other (other)

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Geocache Description:

This cache is not at the posted coordinates....

Once, when I was walking in this very park, I met a man named Brendan Doyle. He appeared anxious at first, looking around as though someone were chasing him. Thinking that perhaps I could help, I approached the man, and as he began to settle he told me the most wondrous tale.

Doyle wove a story of ancient Egyptian cults and Victorian poets, beggars guilds, shape shifters, and time travel. He described fantastical inventions - modern technological marvels, but built with the limited technologies available in the late 19th Century. What was most amazing was that he seemed to sincerely believe what he was saying!

It was all nonsense, of course, but he was so clear in his speech and mannerisms, so lucid in his mental faculties, that for brief moments he almost had me believing in his delusion. Not the sort to be so easily overtaken by flights of fancy, I shook it off. Nevertheless, whether the excitement of the tale itself or the sincerity of the teller, the story was difficult to resist.

After telling his tale he looked to his watch, and declaring that he must go, we parted ways. I have never since seen or heard of this man or any like him. Before he left, however, he recounted what he had been doing in this park.

Apparently, according to his yarn, his earliest time travels happened by way of magical device. Would you believe it? Magical! At any rate, he had more recently discovered a more *mechanical* means, he had said. This device, in his opinion, presented both a great danger to the world as well as great potential, and should only ever be used by the most virtuous and clever among mankind.

If his delusion were to be believed, people would follow after him, searching for the "bridge" - a key that would unlock the device had been hidden nearby. He had left clues around this very park, arranged as a sort of game using what he called the "planetary positional array". This game, which he called "DeCACHElon", would both lead to the hiding place of the key and provide the secret needed to retrieve it.

I wished Mr. Doyle farewell, and secretly hoped that he would receive the help that he so obviously needed. To this day I think of him often when I visit this park. His story was so elaborate and so vivid that he was difficult to forget! I did search briefly, out of curiosity, and found nothing that resembled either a game or a key. A pity, too - I think that I would have liked time travel.

The cache is not at the posted coordinates, which will lead you to parking. The location of the first stage can be surmised by reading the text of the story above.

As you may have guessed, DeCACHElon is a game. Yes, I know that geocaching is a game, but this cache is a game within a game. Second, it's a puzzle. As the tale above suggests, playing the game will yield the location of the final, as well as the solution to the puzzle. The first to find the final will be rewarded with the key - a hundred-year-old-plus brass skeleton key attached to an unregistered travel bug dog-tag. This key may or may not have something to do with a fabulous time traveling machine, if you believe in such things.

Key Image

DeCACHElon will take you through elements of traditional, multi and puzzle hides, custom and off the shelf containers, various sizes and styles of hide, work clothes friendly stages and ones where you may get wet and/or dirty, easy and rough terrain, and will end with an interesting container and hopefully some cool swag.

HOW to PLAY...

The game itself is pretty easy. At the first stage you will pick up a simple, self-explanatory game card and a plastic bag - please only take one bag per group, to reduce the level of required maintenance. You will want to keep track of the time that it takes to find each stage, including the first, because you will get points based on those times. You will also gain or lose points depending upon whether you've utilized a Phone-A-Friend or picked up garbage (CITO) along the way to the next stage (thus, the plastic bag). Low scores are better.

Each stage will have two or three pieces of information within it: partial coordinates of the next stage (in most cases only the last three digits will change), a portion of the puzzle solution, and possibly a clue regarding what to do with that information. You can write the information down on the back of the handy-dandy scorecard that I've so thoughtfully provided for you. You're welcome.

Because the coordinates to each stage are located only in the previous cache, you must find each one, in order, to complete the puzzle. In the final you will find a cryptex; a puzzle box sort of thing that can only be opened after using the clues provided in the game to solve the puzzle. The log sheet is inside of the cryptex, which looks like this:

Cryptex Image

Hopefully everyone that completes this cache will put their score in their log. Once we see what a good score is, I'll find some sort of amazing prize give-away to reward the best players or teams. I have some unregistered 10-year coins, some micro-coins, maybe a pin, or if you're lucky maybe even one of those fantastic McDonalds toys. Everyone that completes DeCACHElon will receive a customized pin from the labeled baggie at the final.

[Pins provided by my 'cacher buddy CLUBBERS! He does pins for events and such... I'm just saying. ;-)]


  • The final stage, along with the cryptex, is located over a mile and a half away, in a more secure location where you can learn more about Mr. Brendan Doyle. It is available M - F from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm, and Saturday from 9:00 to 5:00 pm. It is closed on Sundays from Memorial Day through Labor Day, and open on Sundays from Labor Day to Memorial Day from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm. The final does not need to be retrieved at the same time that the rest of the puzzle is hunted, you can come back to the final later. I have also been told that although it isn't posted anywhere that I can find, either physically or on the web, the park officially closes at 10:00pm. This according to local law enforcement via DinaWorks and Wheels00.

  • Theft is a concern, so please use stealth when retrieving the final.

  • If you do not sign the log sheet inside of the cryptex, you have not made the find. Period. If you log it as found and your name is not inside the cryptex, your log will be deleted.

  • The cryptex is somewhat fragile, and is the product of quite a bit of work on my part. Please be gentle with it, and replace it exactly as you found it. If I find that it has been broken and you are the last one to have found it, I reserve the right to delete your log under the assumption that you forced it open.

  • Please replace each stage exactly as you found it! Some stages may be difficult to retrieve, and may be just as difficult to replace. If you will not be able or willing to replace it, please do not remove it from its place.

Have fun and happy 'caching!
(And watch out for the bugs! The mosquitoes are awful!)

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Svaq gur oevqtr (gur svefg fgntr vf gurer, ~600' njnl sebz gur cbfgrq pbbeqf nybat gur jrfg fvqr bs gur cnex) - Hfr lbhe trb-frafrf - Guvax phfgbz ohg ercerfragngvir. #1 - 2.0 / 2.5 (or xvaq gb gur irtrgngvba!) #2 - 1 / 4.5 #3 - 2 / 1.5 #4 - 2 / 2 #5 - 1.5 / 1 #6 - 2 / 1.5 #7 - 1.5 / 1.5 #8 - 2 / 2 #9 - 2 / 1.5 #10 - 4 / 1.5

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)