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Vetrnica Traditional Cache

Hidden : 08/16/2010
3 out of 5
3.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   small (small)

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Geocache Description:

Kordinate te pripeljejo do vhoda v jamo; mikrolokacijo najdeš s pomocjo namiga oz fotografije. Pazljivo - strmina in luknje!

The coordinates will take you to the cave entrance; you can find the microlocation using the hint or the spoiler. Be careful - steep slope and holes in the groud.

Velika in Mala Veternica sta udornici ali brezstropi jami na osrednjem delu Velike planine. Ležita na nadmorski višini približno 1.600 metrov ter imata do 20 metrov globoke navpicne stene. Na dnu se pojavlja sneg, ki obleži dolgo v poletje. V sušnem obdobju so pastirji s koši hodili v Veliko in Malo Veternico po sneg. Tega so nato pri bajtah topili, vodo pa uporabljali za pitje. V zadnjih dvajsetih letih sneg v udornicah skopni že sredi poletja. Velika Veternica je bila med 2. svetovno vojno skrivališce vojaškega materiala.

The big and small "Vetrnica" are caves whose ceilings collapsed. They are located in the central part of "Velika Planina" about 1600m above sea. Snow can be found at the bottom till late summer and it was used by the local shepherds as a source of fresh water during dry periods. One of the caves was also used as a military storage during WWII.

Pozimi v jami navdušujejo ledeni stalagmiti. / It is worth to see the ice stalagmites during the winter.

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Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Cbq xhcbz fxny an "ferqvav" cbxevgrtn qryn wnzr. Bo "cbgxv". Haqre n cvyr bs ebpxf va gur zvqqyr bs gur cneg bs gur pnir jvgu n prvyvat, arkg gb gur "cngu"

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)