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Witosza Traditional Cache

Hidden : 8/13/2010
2 out of 5
3 out of 5

Size: Size:   small (small)

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Geocache Description:

Spacer lasem wsród skal, punkt widokowy i ruiny wiezy Bismarcka. //
Forest walk among the rocks, a vantage point and the ruins of the Bismarck Tower.

ruiny wiezy /ruins of the tower


O miejscu:
Tradycyjna skrzynka ukryta na zboczu góry Witosza, ponad wsia Staniszów. Po drodze sporo ciekawych skal, na szczycie punkt widokowy z panorama Karkonoszy oraz ruiny wiezy Bismarcka.

Skrytka polozona rzut beretem od szlaku, nieco na uboczu. Nie trzeba kopac ani wspinac sie na skaly. W skrzynce znajdziecie: 3 certyfikaty dla 3 Pierwszych Znalazców, logbook, olówek i pochlaniacz wilgoci (nie na wymiane) a na wymiane pare drobiazgów.

Cache zarejestrowany jest takze w polskim systemie - kod OP2B32


About this spot:
Traditional box hidden on the slopes of Witosz mountain, over the village Staniszow. On the way a lot of interesting rocks, on top a vantage point and the ruins of the Bismarck Tower.

The cache:
The cache is located stone's throw away from the trail somewhat. You do not need to dig or climb on the rocks. In the box you will find: three certificates for three of the First finders, logbook, pencil and desiccant (not on exchange) and a few trinkets for the exchange.

Cache is registered also in polish system - code OP2B32


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Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Fmhxnw ceml mvrzv cbq jvryxvz tynmrz,avrbcbqny fbfal /// Frnepu gur tebhaq haqre n ovt obhyqre,arneol n cvar gerr

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)