I recently found the fun Köln-Seattle Exchange Multicache with the help of Wetterschaf and Wetterpunk which inspired this wordplay cache.
The clues below aren't your usual crossword clues. For those familiar with cryptic crosswords these are based on the container wordplay. For everybody else, let me explain with an example. The answer to "Cylindrical piece of wood in a geometric shape is a city in Germany" is Cologne. First, Cologne is a city in Germany. More importantly, the word COLOGNE can be formed by inserting the word LOG (a cylindrical piece of wood) inside the word CONE (a geometric shape). Good luck!
1. Untruth in sound units is body parts.
2. Tree in marshy plant is shot again.
3. Feminine pronoun in spoils is land types.
4. Unused in genuine is rebirth.
5. Face Part in otherwise is shape.
6. Adam's wife in lost blood is angled.
For each clue there is one shaded square. Convert those letters to numbers using the traditional a=1, b=2, c=3, ... z=26. Multiply the values from the across clues together divide by 1000 and add that result to the minutes of the posted lattitude. Repeat using the down clues applied to the posted longitude.
You can check your answers for this puzzle on Geochecker.com.
Congratulations to fishiam on the FTF!