Old Maca's Traditional Cache
Size:  (regular)
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Old Maca's cache.
Another Canberra hill, another Canberra hill Geocache
Over the years I have walked up this hill a dozen times or so and I always wanted to place a cache up here.
I'd dreamed up a few ideas for what type of cache it should have been, a puzzle, a multi but in the end I just decided on the plain old simple regular cache.
Its the hill and the view I'm really interested in so I did not want to make it to hard to get people up to enjoy it as I do.
And by the way if it was a puzzle cache I would have had to hide the numbers in 7 versus of "Old McDonald had a farm".
I'm not sure if the canberra caching community and my self could have coped.
Old McDonald has a farm eio eio oh
and on that farm he had a gps tree eio eio oh
with a beep beep here and a beep beep there
eio eio oh
Over the years I have also seen a few changes up at the top. Pre 2003 there was a fire spotting tower and loads of mature trees to shelter you on the walk up. Tree replanting and erosion control. The addition of a collimation tower for the near by Strolmlo laser ranging station. To the very recent addition of a large rock cain. Some very board and busy hill visitors I guess.
A quick note on the cache container. Its not your normal sistema. Its a part of an old radio receiver that I once worked on and it seemed ideal as a way of protecting the standard plastic container.
I have a few spare and if any finders would like one just let me know.
BTW on top of this hill is a Trig station. The white and black metal pole variety. My favourite.
Additional Hints
uvqqra haqre fbzr ebpxf arne fbzr fznyy gerrf.