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Blackbeards treasure "is back" Traditional Cache

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btreviewer: Esta geocache foi arquivada por falta de uma resposta atempada e/ou adequada perante uma situação de falta de manutenção.
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btreviewer Volunteer Cache Reviewer
Work with the reviewer, not against him

Hidden : 11/17/2010
2 out of 5
4 out of 5

Size: Size:   small (small)

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Geocache Description:


A long time ago a Cacher with the Nickname „newlindberg“ hide a Cache on Madeira. This was the start from Blackbeards treasure (GCWK3Z). But in Januar 2007 the treasure chest was lost, or not? Today we go to the path and look in all holes. Yes we are see the box. A „foundt it“ after a long time. I think the story of the Cache is so cool. So we make a restart now with the original logbook from 2006.

Here the original text from „newlindberg“:

Madeira North-Cost, near Boaventura. One of the nice spots in the world. Located near coast, about 100m above ground. Can be accessed with car. You need to walk about 100m (steep uphill) from the parking. Great view from up there.

A little pirate-like treasure chest (wood, about 15cm x 15cm) containing nice treasure. It is hidden in a hole in a nature-wall directly beside the path. There are different holes in the wall. The one the chest is in is about 2,5 m above ground and requires minor climbing skills or more than one person (that lifts the other) to get there. It is (or was) possible to see an edge (brown wood) of the box from the path but only from a certain angle. Because of the hight of the hiding-place and the difficulty it is unlikely to be discovered by non-geocachers. The chest contains a list of discoverers (you might be the first one) and some treasure. If you are a treasure-hunter perfectionist, please bring an old pen and leave it in the box, I didn´t have one when I hid it. Good luck! If you want a really great walk follow the trail uphill. It crosses the little mountain and is beautiful, not even entered (for god´s sake) in all the tourist guides.


Vor einer langen Zeit hat ein Cacher mit dem Nickname „newlindberg“ einen Cache auf Madeira versteckt. Das war der Beginn des Caches Blackbeards treasure (GCWK3Z). Aber im Januar 2007 schien die Schatzkiste verloren, oder doch nicht? Heute haben wir uns auf den Weg gemacht und in alle möglichen Löcher gesehen. Ja, da war der verloren geglaubte Schatz. Ein Fund nach über drei Jahren.
Ich denke die Geschichte ist so schön, dass wir den Cache neu gestartet haben. Alles in der Kiste ist so wie wir es vorgefunden haben. Sogar das Logbuch war noch trocken und der Kuli schreibt auch noch.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Lbh zhfg pyvzo!! Qh zhfg xyrggrea!!

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)