Gretyl Goes Shopping at the Other Store Traditional Cache
KatandKev: After more than 200 finds this one has gone missing again. Time to shut it down. But don't worry...many more Fritz caches coming to replace the Gretyl caches as they disappear.
Gretyl Goes Shopping at the Other Store
Size:  (micro)
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Gretyl usually goes shopping on the other side of town...that is where she gets her dog food and where she bought her TV. But this time she is visiting yet another of her favorite stores in town.
This cache should be very simple to find...another simple "park and grab" for those of you who like the comfort of your warm car on those cold or rainy days. Bring your own pen and watch out for the store associates since this is hidden in their usual parking spot. There is a couple of "smiley" pins for the first two to sign the log.
Additional Hints
Ernyyl fubhyq unir ab gebhoyr jvgu guvf bar