Hydro 2 Oxy 1 Traditional Cache
WatchDOGSMike: Done
Size:  (small)
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WatchDOGSMike, Hippychick and I went out on a very cold December day to boat cache around Spencer Island. We were able to pick up 5 caches that day. While we were having so much fun out on the river, we decided that placing a cache was a must.
This cache was placed during a +10 ft tide and Hippychick had to stand up in the boat to put the cache in place. It is at the base of a small tree, and it is protected by a small amount of sticker bushes. I will be back in the spring/summer to prune things back a little. Use caution when getting this cache. The cache is a large, camo painted peanut butter container. Please be sure to place it firming back in place, so it will stay put.
Congradulations FTF Dustypup, Tango501, and Corvettekent
Additional Hints
Ng gur onfr bs gur fznyy gerr.