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Opusteny stadion/Abandoned stadium Traditional Cache

Hidden : 3/12/2011
2.5 out of 5
2.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

Specialni podekovani Cavalier Teamu za pomoc pri zakladani cache a za pomoc s vyrobou.

Autorem kesky jsou Dubánci. Adoptovano.



Keska vas privede na misto, kde dnes odpociva obrovsky betonovy kolos, který pomalu pohlcuje priroda. Avsak za dob sve slavy proslo jeho branami pri kazdem zapasu nekolik tisic divaku.

Stadion byl postaven v letech 1949-1953. V 60.-70. letech byla postavena nova tribuna, cimz se stadion stal nejvetsim v republice s kapacitou 50 000 divaku.
Nejslavnejsi kapitolu tohoto stadionu zapsalo muzstvo Zbrojovky Brno, ktere zde ziskalo v roce 1978 mistrovsky titul.
Rozmery stadionu byly 105 x 68 metru. V roce 2001 stadion prestal vyhovovat pozadavkum 1.Gambrinus ligy.
Roku 2004 koupilo stadion statutarni mesto Brno
V 9.kole sezony 2001-2002 se hral na stadionu posledni zapas FC Stavo Artikel Brno - FC Hradec Kralove 2:1, zapas sledovalo 8.600 divaku.

Soucastny stav:
Stadion, ktery je vice nez 50 let stary, je nyni ve spatnem technickem stavu. Nevyhovuje pozadavkum pro 1. Gambrinus ligu, ani pozadavkum narizeni FIFA. Je z predni casti (od parkoviste) oplocen, avsak v zadní casti plot chybi a proto je mozne nahlednout dovnitr.
Vstup na stadion je prisne zakazan !!! .

Uz ted architekti vypracovavaji plany na novy stadion za Luzankami, ktery bude vyhovovat kategorii ELITE dle narizeni FIFA. Hriste bude mit rozmery 125x85 metru a samotna hraci plocha pak 105x68 metru. Tribuny budou prohnute a sedacky ve vysce asi 2,05 metru nad plochou pro lepsi viditelnost. Budou se zde moci hrat vsechna mezinarodni utkani. Kapacita bude 30 000 mist k sezeni. Pro utkani domaci souteze pak muze byt stadion rozsiren az na kapacitu 35 000 mist (pridanim 3 rad pred navrzene tribuny). Primo v tele stadionu na urovni tribun bude zabudovano 750 parkovacich mist zejmena pro VIP cleny, dale obchody, wellness a fitness centra. Stadion bude mit elipticky tvar, bude zastresený a travnik bude samozrejme vyhrivan a umele zavlazovan. Architekti se nechavaji inspirovat zejmena stadiony z Kuala Lumpur a Stuttgartu. Kdy se zacne s rekonstrukci je zatim ve hvezdach.

Behem dne je zde premudlovano, prosim budte velmi opatrni pri vyzvedavani a ukladani kesky !!!


The cache will take you to the place where a huge concrete colossus, which is slowly absorbed by natureis located, but in time of glory a several thousand visitors passed through, its gates to every game.

The stadium was build in 1949-1953. In the 60s-70s a new grandstand was build, which became the largest stadium in the country with the capacity of 50,000 visitors. The most famous stage of this stadium was when the team of Zbrojovka Brno won the championship in 1978. The dimensions of the stadium were 105x68 meters, and in 2001 did not meet the requirements of Gambrinus 1. league In 2004 the city of Brno bought this stadium. The last match was between Stavo Artikel Brno - FC Hradec Kralove- score 2:1, and there were 8600 visitors in the stadium. .

Current state:
The stadium is more than 50. years old and now is in poor technical condition, satisfying neither the requirements for the 1 Premier League nor the requirements of FIFA. It is fenced from the front side (from the parking ), but in the back side the fence is missing and therefore it is possible to look inside. Entry to the stadium is strictly prohibited!! .

Achitects already developed plans for a new stadium, which will have dimensions of 125x 85 meters and with the pitch of 105x68 meters. The grandstands will be bent and seats at about 2.05 meters above the surface for better visibility. It will be possible to play any international matches there. The capacity will be 30.000 seats. Directly inside of the the stadium there will be 750 parking places especially for VIP members, as well as shops, spa and fitness center. The stadium will have an elliptical shape, the roofing and lawn will be naturally heated and artificially irrigated. The architects are inspired mainly by stadiums from Kuala Lumpur and Stuttgart. When start the reconstruction is still in doubt..

Warning !!!
During the day are more mugelss near the cache. Please be very careful when you will find and when you would like to hide the cache.

Je zacatek mesice rijna roku 2019 a stadion proziva neskutecnou promenu. Nataci se zde fim o Emilu Zatopkovi a pro filmare predstavuje olympijske stadiony v Londyne (LOH 1948) a Helsinkach (LOH 1952). Je neskutecne, co vse se da udelat, kdyz jde o film. Par fotek najdete na konci listingu.

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