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Secret Fountain Traditional Cache

Hidden : 2/27/2011
2 out of 5
3 out of 5

Size: Size:   small (small)

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Geocache Description:

[RO] Acest cache a fost ascuns cu ocazia aniversarii a 10 ani de Geocaching in Romania. Cache-ul va fi arhivat in vara anului 2015, terenul a devenit mai putin propice pentru geocaching.
[EN] This cache was hidden to celebrate 10 years of Geocaching in Romania. The cache will be archived during the summer of 2015, the terrain become less suitable for geocaching.

[RO] In spatele castelului Bran exista un mic izvor, ascuns in padure si cunoscut de foarte putini. Este folosit de caprioare si alte animale salbatice, spre acesta duc cateva poteci. Recent izvorul a fost "modernizat", acum este posibila umplerea sticlelor cu apa, si s-a usurat accesul pe una din poteci.
Partea dificila este gasirea "drumului secret" care duce la aceasta fantana pierduta; in caz contrar, accesul in zona implica o catarare dificila. Cache-ul este de tip click-clack de 0.5 litri.

[EN] Behind Bran Castle there's a small spring, hidden in the forest and known to very few people. It is used by deer and other wild animals, and several animal trails lead to it. Recently the spring was "upgraded", now it's possible to refill water bottles, and access on one trail was improved.
The difficult part is finding the "secret way" that leads to this lost fountain; otherwise, accessing the area implies a difficult climb. The cache is a 0.5 liter lock'n'lock type container.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

[RO] ohghehtn [EN] fghzc

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)