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Hoopoe's Nest | Ninho da Poupa Multi-Cache

Hidden : 4/15/2011
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2 out of 5

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Geocache Description:

Hoopoe | Poupa | Hop

Upupa epops
Hoopoe | Poupa | Hop

The Hoopoe is a medium sized bird, 25–32 cm long, with a 44–48 cm wingspan, weighing 46-89 g. The species is highly distinctive, with a long, thin tapering bill that is black with a fawn base. The strengthened musculature of the head allows the bill to be opened when probing inside the soil. The hoopoe has broad and rounded wings capable of strong flight; these are larger in the northern migratory subspecies. The Hoopoe has a characteristic undulating flight, which is like that of a giant butterfly, caused by the wings half closing at the end of each beat or short sequence of beats.
The song is a trisyllabic "oop-oop-oop", which gives rise to its English and scientific names. Other calls include rasping croaks and hisses. A wheezy note is produced by females during courtship feeding by the male.
Hoopoes are distinctive birds and have made a cultural impact over much of their range. They were thought of as thieves across much of Europe and harbingers of war in Scandinavia. Also, in Estonian tradition the Hoopoes are strongly connected with death and the underworld. On the other hand they were considered sacred in Ancient Egypt and are also mentioned in the Bible and the Quran. Hoopoes were seen as a symbol of virtue in Persia.

A poupa é uma ave de médio porte, com 25–27 cm de comprimento, cerca de 50 cm de envergadura e cauda relativamente longa. A plumagem é acastanhada, sendo as asas pretas e brancas e a cauda preta. A poupa ponteaguda que lhe dá o nome é bem visível quando erecta. O bico é longo e recurvado e as patas são acinzentadas e curtas.
O seu canto é um característico hoop-hoop-hoop que pode ser repetido ao longo de vários minutos. O seu habitat preferencial é a savana africana e zonas de vegetação rasteira na Europa e Ásia, sendo também relativamente comum em zonas agrícolas. A poupa alimenta-se de insectos e suas larvas, bem como de minhocas e outros anelídeoa terrestres, pequenos anfíbios e por vezes pequenas cobras. Embora prefira alimentar-se no solo, é também capaz de caçar insectos em voo.
De hop is gemakkelijk te herkennen aan zijn roodbruine verenpak met een lange zwart gepunte opzetbare kuif. Een opvallende eigenschap is de uitgesproken stank die het dier verspreidt omdat enerzijds het nest nooit wordt schoongemaakt (voedselafval en mest blijven achter) en anderzijds omdat het vrouwtje een klier heeft aan de basis van haar staart, die tijdens de broedtijd een zware stank verspreidt. Een bijnaam voor de hop is dan ook drekhaan. De hop is een insectenetende weidevogel.
source | fonte | bron: wikipedia


Start at | Comece em | Start bij
N 38º 32.952' W 007º 54.037'

You're standing next to a big electricity post, with small and large numbers. Add the large digits to find A.
Há um mastro enorme de electricidade com números pequenos e grandes. Some os grandes para o valor de A.
Je staat hier bij een hoge elektriciteitspaal, hierop staan grote en kleine cijfers geschilderd. Tel de grote cijfers bij elkaar op, dit is getal A.

Go to | Vá ao | Ga naar
N 38º 32.A75' W 007º 53.(A+1)9A'

Under the letters EVR is a number painted, take the third digit for B.
O terceiro dígito do número abaixo do texto EVR é o valor de B.
Onder de letters EVR staat een getal, het derde cijfer levert getal B.

Got to | Dirija-se ao | Loop naar
N 38º 32.(A-1)B4' W 007º 54.B(A-1)1'

How many globe lamp posts are there ON the parking lot? Divide this number by 3 to get C.
Quantos candeeiros de globo se encontram NO parque de estacionamento? Divida este número por 3 para o valor de C.
Hoeveel lantaarnpalen met een grote bol staan er OP de parkeerplaats. Deel dit door drie voor het getal C.

Got to | Vá até | Ga naar
N 38º 32.5CB' W 007º 54.C4(B+1)'

Another parking lot, named after a person. Take the third digit of the year he was born to get D.
Mais um parque de estacionamento, dedicado a uma pessoa. O terceiro dígito do ano de nascimento dá o valor para D.
Nog een parkeerplaats, vernoemd naar een persoon. Neem het derde cijfer van zijn geboortejaar als getal D.

Go to | Dirija-se para | Zoek het volgende punt
N 38º 32.BD(B+1)' W 007º 54.0(D-B-1)(D+1)'

The smaller direction sign has a sticker on the back, stating month (mês) and year. The month will give you E.
A placa menor tem um autocolante do lado de trás, indicando mês e ano. O mês fornece o valor de E.
Achter op het kleinere richtingbord is een sticker die een maand (mês) en jaar aanduidt. De maand levert het getal E op.

Find the Hoopoe's nest at | Encontre o ninho da poupa em | Vind het nest van de hop op
N 38º 32.(E-B)E(D+2)' W 007º 54.(D-B)(E+1)E'
Use ADC for the lock
Use ADC para o cadeado
Gebruik ADC voor het slot


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