Wadi Al Dilb 1st Geocache Traditional Cache
Wadi Al Dilb 1st Geocache
Size:  (regular)
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The cache lies in natural surroundings within the heart of Wadi Al-Dilb. This place, which is still a splendid work of nature, has olive trees that date back to the time of Christ and maybe before. It has many outdoor one or two story edifices which Palestinian farmers of the past used during the time of olive harvest, since this wasn't an area you'd be camping in without a protective roof over your head. The landscape is amazing, and you can see odd formations of rock, held back on their way down by ancient olive trees.
Additional Hints
Gur pbagnvare vf n fdhner genafcnerag cynfgvp pbagnvare, abg zber guna 14 pz va yratgu. Vg pbagnvaf n crapvy, n cra, n abgrobbx sbe Trbpnpuref gb jevgr ba, naq n srj gevaxrgf