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Vikingevent Event Cache

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Makuta Teridax: Eventet er over for lengst.

Hidden : Saturday, 21 July 2012
1 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   not chosen (not chosen)

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Geocache Description:

Welcome to the first Norwegian Viking Event
Saturday 21st July 2012 between 12 pm and 6 pm.

The event is an outdoor event in historical surroundings at the Viking Farm at Avaldsnes, Karmoy.

Here history will meet modern times, viking activities will take place alongside the geocaching fun.

The event will be fun for both children and grown-ups.
We are planning and making ready for a Mega size event. The only thing yet missing, is 500 participating geocachers.

If you want to spend several days in the area, there are lots and lots of caches, and Karmoy and the nearby city Haugesund has also a lot to offer regarding to outdoor life, culture and entertainment.

There will be side events and activities in the days before the Mega Event itself.

Please see our website vikingevent for further information on how register, get here, sleep and eat in the area and what more to do.


In addition to the "Will attend" log, each attendant have to register and pay via

There will be a small entrance fee. This is meant to cover Red Kross personel at the site, Vikings (the local Viking Club, parking personel (scouts), prizes and administration expences. The registering happens through DnB (one of the largest Norwegian Banks). They own the payment solution that is made specially for volunteer organizations and clubs..

Velkommen til det første store vikingeventet i Norge
21.juli fra kl. 12.00 - 18.00.

Eventet er et utendørsevent i historiske omgivelser på Vikinggården på Avaldsnes.
Her vil historie møte moderne tid, vikingaktiviteter vil foregå side om side med geocaching.
Arrangementet passer for både barn og voksne.

Vi planlegger og legger til rette for et event i Megaformat. For å nå det målet mangler vi bare 500 geocachere med og skriv norsk geocaching historie.

Ønsker dere å bruke mer tid i området, fins det mengder av cacher. Karmøy og nabobyen Haugesund har mye å by på både når det gjelder friluftsliv, kultur og underholdning.

Det vil bli sideeventer og aktiviteter i dagene før eventet.

Se vår webside vikingevent for mer informasjon om registrering, hvordan komme hit, sove her og mer.


I tillegg til will attend logg, må alle som skal delta registrere seg og betale via

Det vil bli en liten deltakeravgift. Denne skal dekke Røde Kors personell, vikinger (vikingklubben) parkeringsvakter (speidere), premier og administrasjonsutgifter. Registreringen foregår via som er DnB (Den Norske Banks) tilrettelegging for frivillige organisasjoner.


Historische Zeit trifft die Moderne!

Willkommen beim großen Geocaching Event in historischer Umgebung an der Viking Farm in Avaldsnes.

Samstag, 21. Juli 2012, 12,00 bis 18,00 Uhr.

Die Veranstaltung ist ein Outdoor Event in historischer Umgebung an der Viking Farm in Avaldsnes.

Hier trifft die historische Zeit auf die Moderne. Neben dem Geocaching werden Wikingeraktivitäten stattfinden.

Die Veranstaltung ist für Kinder und Erwachsene geeignet.

Wir planen für eine Veranstaltung in Mega-Format. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen,
 fehlen uns nur 500 Geocacher.

Möchten Sie mehr Zeit in der Gegend verbringen, gibt es viele Caches. Sowohl Karmøy als die benachbarten Stadt Haugesund hat viel zu bieten mit Bezug auf das Leben im Freien, Kultur und Unterhaltung.


In addition to the "Will attend" log, each attendant have to register and pay via

There will be a small entrance fee. This is meant to cover Red Kross personel at the site, Vikings (the local Viking Club, parking personel (scouts), prizes and administration expences. The registering happens through DnB (one of the largest Norwegian Banks). They own the payment solution that is made specially for volunteer organizations and clubs..

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