Cosumap 2 Traditional Cache
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Second of the "Cosumap" series of geocaches
"Comenius Students Map their World" is the project of a multilateral schoolpartnership of four vocational schools
- Robert-Schuman-Institut Eupen (RSI)
- Berufskolleg für Gestaltung und Technik der StädteRegion Aachen (BKGuT)
- Srednja upravno administrativna šola Ljubljana (SUAS)
- Leeuwenborgh Opleidingen Maastricht (ROC)
During this project students and teachers will work on their specific subjects for two years (from 2010 to 2012).
About the CosuMap project
The partnership of 4 vocational schools from 4 countries:
- Robert-Schuman-Institut Eupen (RSI)
- Berufskolleg für Gestaltung und Technik der StädteRegion Aachen (BKGuT)
- Srednja upravno administrativna šola Ljubljana (SUAS)
-Leeuwenborgh Opleidingen Maastricht (ROC)
intends to prepare young people for a common, borderless Europe to get better chances in an open labour market as European citizens.
During the project students and teachers will work in their own situation on 3 key skills:
1. European citizenship:
To help young people acquire the basic life skills and competences for their personal development, future employment and for active European citizenship. Students and teachers will communicate in English.
2. Intercultural skills
The second and very important part of the project is to develop knowledge and understanding of the diversity of European cultures and languages among young people and educational staff.
One aim is to stimulate students to do parts of their regular curriculum in foreign countries (ECVET).
By this part of the project the teachers and schools will support the students so they will feel and proceed as European citizens in a common European labour market. Mobility during the project will provide this attitude.
3. New technologies and ICT Skills:
By using innovative GPS (Global Positioning Systems) technologies, the development of transversal key competences will be provided for all learners (students and teachers).
Project objectives:
1. In vocational education the communication in English language plays an increasingly important role for the European labour market. Objective 1: using the English language in multinational communication processes and in the students presentations and working results.
2. Online realities (e.g. 2nd Life - are playing a big role in the experimental background - privately und professionally - of many young people. Objective 2: "going out to Europe" to get aware of the European dimension is developed as a focus of the students.
3. Using geographical information systems is of increasing importance in everyday life (GPS, Google Earth, OpenStreetMap).
Objective 3: Fundamental experience and knowledge skills in this interdisciplinary technology will be achieved.
4. Upgrading and provision of sports and leisure activities that serve to promote health.
Objective 4: The students will learn sports such as hiking, biking, canoeing, orienteering as meaningful and joyful recreational activities where it can make sense to use the latest GPS-technologies.
Approach to achieve the objectives:
1. GeoCaching:
- Treasure hunting in small groups with high-tech GPS-devices (
- students create and hide treasures and write the descriptions in English.
2. Creating GPS routes:
Creating own hiking, mountain biking or canoeing routes and make them available to others.
- GPS-guided tours with students as lokal touristguides)
- hiking-tracks in nature
- transfer of routes to Google Earth or to other global maps
- Preparing multimedia route descriptions in English and embedding of photos into the route (Geo-Tagging; Geo-Imaging)
3. OpenStreetMap (OSM): "Students measure Europe". Active participation in this open source project, where students participate in providing a European map which is availible to everyone, filled with local relevant information.
- Handling of existing maps with mobile GPS systems
- e.g. recording (into the OSM map) all bus stops in the hometown that lead to school.
- Adding - still non-existent roads and streets in the OSM map, identify and describe.
- Creating thematic regional maps (e.g., mapping all streetcrossings for handicapped persons with weelchairs in an OSM-layer)
Additional Hints
(No hints available.)