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River Nearby Traditional Cache

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marko0037: Hvala za obisk

Hidden : 06/08/2011
4 out of 5
2 out of 5

Size: Size:   other (other)

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Geocache Description:


V resnici gre za PUZZLE CACHE na terenu. Na koordinatah boste našli plasticno cev z mikro skatlico v notranjosti. Ne koplji, ampak uporabi dodan pripomocek in svojo domišljijo. Prinesi svoje pisalo.

Ce niste prevec zahtevni, je obala v bližini primerna za piknik in nastavljanje soncu.


In fact this is a PUZZLE CACHE on the field. On the grids you will find plastic pipe with micro cache inside. Do not dig, but use attached accessory and your imagination. BYOP

If you are not too demanding, the coast nearby is suitable for picnics and sunbathing.

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Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Jura lbh svaq n pnpur, lbh pbafgnagyl ercrng Evire Arneol, Evire Arneol, Evire Arneol ...

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)