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Valley of Darkness [Gerês] Multi-Cache

Hidden : 7/16/2011
3 out of 5
4.5 out of 5

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Geocache Description:

"Ainda que eu caminhe pelo vale da sombra da morte, não temerei mal algum..."

Salmo 23.4

"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil..."

Psalm 23.4


"Chamam-lhe a Ponte da Matança. Dos vivos, não há quem se lembre porquê."

pastor de Fafião

"A Ponte Do Lung era o último posto avançado do exército no rio Nung. Para além dela, havia apenas Kurtz..."

Francis F. Coppola, "Appocalipse Now"


"They call it the Slaughter Bridge. Among the living, no one remembers why."

shepherd from Fafião

"Do Lung Bridge was the last army outpost on the Nung River. Beyond it, there was only Kurtz ..."

Francis F. Coppola, "Appocalipse Now"

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Frthaqn pnpur rager nf ebpunf, whagb à áeiber ovshepnqn, ceókvzb qn znetrz rfdhreqn (ire FCBVYRE). Frpbaq pnpur orgjrra ebpxf, arkg gb gur ovshepngrq gerr, pybfr gb gur yrsg znetva (frr FCBVYRE).

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)