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Palm in half /drive in - Zlomena palma Traditional Cache

This cache has been archived.

O11_TM: Since the cache is not in place, because the cast palm really missing, I am forced to archive it.

Hidden : 8/14/2011
1.5 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   micro (micro)

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Geocache Description:

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Palm in half /drive in

This cache will lead you to the rest area on the Edfo - Marsa Al Am Rd, which connects the shore of the Red Sea Al Am with Aswan. It is one of the rest areas where are rest rooms and you can buy some snack. In front of the building there are about eight palms the ninth is broken. We placed small container on the top of the broken trunk.

The cache itself:

There is quite an amount space in the logbook, but please do not use stamps, but just log your visit. In case of full or demaged logbook, please replace it with another. There is quite small amout of caches in Egypt so we hope that this will be there for long. There is no pencil in the cache. Thanks from Ottik family team

Zlomená palma / drive in

Tato cache vas zavede na odpocívadlo na silnici Edfo - Marsa Al Am Rd, která spojuje pobreží Rudého more Marsa Al Am s Asuanem. Je to jedno z mála odpocívadel, kde jsou toalety a mužete si dát malé obcerstvení. Pred budovou je asi 8 palem, 9 je zlomená. A práve na vrchu zlomeného kmene jsme umístili malý konntejner.

K samotné keši:

Keš je ted dostatecne zásobená logbookem, presto vás prosíme, nedávejte razítka, ale pouze se zapište. V prípade, že bude mít plný, nebo jinak poškozený logbook, poprosíme vás o jeho výmenu. V Egypte je moc málo keší, tak at alespon tato dlouho vydrží. V keši není tužka. Za team Ottik family predem dekujem.

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Náš web k Geoexpedici Go East (7 státu za deset dnu)
Our website for the expedition Geo Go East (7 State in ten days)


Additional Hints (Decrypt)

ba gur gbc bs gur oebxra gehax / an iepuh mybzraéub xzrar

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)